A Dad's Mission For Success show

A Dad's Mission For Success show

Latest Episodes

Motivation & Fear - S01E09 - A Dad’s Mission For Success
November 04, 2015

Motivation and Fear. My first on location shoot, I tackle a question from a friend about how to find motivation and overcome procrastination.Shooting from the ...

The One Tip To Boost Your Productivity - S01E08 - A Dad’s Mission for Success Show
September 17, 2015

The truth about multitasking is that it is a SHAM!That's right. Multitasking isn't a thing. Our brains jump from task to task unable to complete more ...

What Social Network Should I Be On? - S01E07 - A Dad’s Mission for Success Show
September 17, 2015

What social media network should you get started onWhen you're just starting a business or a new project and you want to promote it, you're ...

{BONUS} The 5 Worst Things About Social Media - A Dad’s Mission for Success
September 08, 2015

The 5 worst things about social media - A Dad's Mission for Success.We're all thinking it, I'm saying it. This video is a bonus for ...

What to do when you don’t know what to do - S01E06 - A Dad’s Mission for Success
September 06, 2015

Whether you're planning on starting a business or maybe a project, the first question you will ask yourself is, where should I start?This question is ...

Dealing with rejection - S01E05 - A Dad’s Mission for Success
August 27, 2015

At some point in our lives, we're going to get rejected. Whether that be in a romantic relationship, a joint venture partnership or a new ...

How to avoid burnout - S01E04 - A Dad’s Mission for Success
August 27, 2015

One thing that we struggle with is entrepreneurial burnout. The topic for this video comes from my friend Crystal from Raspberry Spool.Before I answered Crystal, I ...

Perfection is crap, shipping is for #winners - S01E03 - A Dad’s Mission for Success
August 27, 2015

When is the last time you've umm'd and ahhh'd over a piece of content that you've created?We tend to build up unrealistic expectations in our ...

What to do when things don’t go as planned - S01E02 - A Dad’s Mission for Success
August 27, 2015

What do we do when our grand plan doesn't work out as we had imagined? Should we have a tantrum?NoEven though emotions sometimes well get the ...

How to find out what people actually want - S01E01 - A Dad’s Mission for Success
August 27, 2015

Have you ever wondered how you can create the best headline to just attract people to reading your stuff?Want to know exactly what to create ...
