A Dad's Mission For Success show

A Dad's Mission For Success show

Monthly Mission Update: September - S01E13 - A Dad’s Mission For Success

November 04, 2015

Welcome to the monthly mission update for September. Every month, I'll be detailing exactly what I did and what I made and spent on my business. I go into a lot of detail about this month in this blog post:http://jamestew.me/september-monthly-mission-update/I'm doing this for a couple of reasons:1. I want 100% transparency with my audience and to show you exactly what I am doing to grow my business2. I want to show you the hard work that goes into this thing so you have a realistic view if you intend to start a business.September by the numbers:WHAT I DID:1 strategy session2 blabs1 sponsor meeting3 interviews2 personal coaching sessions5 offline connections1 accountability callSocial media stats:YOUTUBE941 views28 likes$2.19 from adsense29 comments31 shares14 videos82 new subscribersFACEBOOK78 Likes33,988 video impressions6,568 video views2,149 people engaged3 unlikes27,662 people reachedFOLLOW METwitterhttp://twitter.com/james_tewFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/thesocialentrepreneurblogInstagramhttp://instagram.com/james_tewJoin the Success Armyhttp://jamestew.activehosted.com/form/18Music by Smoked Beathttps://soundcloud.com/smokedbeat/the-jazz-jousters-locations-poland-smokedbeat-01post-scriptum
