A Dad's Mission For Success show

A Dad's Mission For Success show

3 Things I’ve Learned About Relationships From Making Green Smoothies - S01E12 - A Dad’s Mission For Success

November 04, 2015

3 things I've learned about relationships from making green smoothies. For the past 4 days, I've been making green smoothies as a replacement meal for breakfast. After about the third day, I got to thinking, what can I learn from this process.I decided to take a deep dive into this topic and I pulled out three lessons that I've learned from making green smoothies.FOLLOW MEhttp://twitter.com/james_tewhttp://instagram.com/james_tewhttp://facebook.com/thesocialentrepreneurbloghttp://jamestew.meJOIN THE SUCCESS ARMYhttp://jamestew.activehosted.com/form/18T-shirts coming soonMusic By:The Passion HiFi - The Soulful Truth
