A Dad's Mission For Success show

A Dad's Mission For Success show

The Importance Of Honest Support - S01E10 - A Dads Mission For Success

November 04, 2015

The importance of support can not be overstated. In everything that we do, it's important that we have the support from someone who is willing to give us absolute honest feedback. I wanted to make this video because I felt that it flowed on really well from episode 9 (https://youtu.be/cbntmbkp2RA). I definitely wouldn't be able to produce the videos or do half the stuff that I do without the support of people around me who are willing to give me 100% honest feedback.Whether you're looking to get ahead in your career or maybe your looking to build a business, having someone or numerous people who are willing to keep you honest will be key to your success.FOLLOW ME:Twitter:http://twitter.com/james_tewInstagram:http://instagram.com/jamestew_Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/thesocialentrepreneurblogWeb:http://jamestew.meJOIN THE SUCCESS ARMYhttp://jamestew.activehosted.com/form/14
