A Dad's Mission For Success show

A Dad's Mission For Success show

Perfection is crap, shipping is for #winners - S01E03 - A Dad’s Mission for Success

August 27, 2015

When is the last time you've umm'd and ahhh'd over a piece of content that you've created?We tend to build up unrealistic expectations in our mind that we need to make sure our product is perfect before we get it out to the world. What we should actually be doing is getting our product out to the world and getting real-time feedback. What are you waiting for? Hit record, set up that store or publish that post and just ship you damn product!Follow me:http://twitter.com/james_tewhttps://www.facebook.com/thesocialentrepreneurblogJoin the Success Army FB Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1058226017529187Got a question you want answered?hello(at)jamestew.me
