Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Latest Episodes

Day 5: The Abundance Game
July 24, 2021

Tune in for Q&A Day! Ask your questions and get some coaching about manifesting, law of attraction, being an empath, the Clairs or anything else that we’ve covered in this...Read More

Day 4: The Abundance Game
July 24, 2021

Today we’ll continue the conversation about being a clear channel. Bring your questions and concerns about blockages that you experience and get some personal healing and coaching. Ready to dive...Rea

Day 3: The Abundance Game
July 21, 2021

Today’s live training gets specific for the empath. We’ll explore intuition, being a clear channel, and the law of reciprocity, aka “karma.” Lots to unpack! Like my Love Is The...Read More

Day 2: The Abundance Game
July 20, 2021

Today, we’ll talk about the art & science of manifesting, how to raise your vibe and write personal affirmations!

Day 1: The Abundance Game
July 19, 2021

Today we kick off 5 days of abundance with The Abundance Game. Especially created for empaths, you’ll learn how being an empath is your greatest gift and makes you a...Read More

How receptive are you, REALLY?
June 21, 2021

Manifesting anything requires receptivity on your part. As easy as receiving seems, most people truly struggle with it. In fact, many people suck at receiving. What’s blocking you from receiving? Let’s dig in and turn this around so you can...Read More

Clean Up Those Messy Vibes & Manifest Better
June 01, 2021

The #1 mistake people make when consciously manifesting is having messy energy and not being aligned with what they want. Their words say one thing, but their vibes say another – and guess what the Universe is responding to. You...Read More

Manifesting Money & The Unexpected Income Club
May 13, 2021

When I was a member of the Center for Spiritual Living, I participated in an abundance game of creating unexpected income and I soon became aware of ALL the good we constantly receive. This soulcast is designed to open your...Read More

10 at 10: Wellness Check-IN Meditation
May 04, 2021

All healing is self-healing. Today’s meditation intention is to check- in with our inner wisdom with regard to our personal health & wellbeing, since it knows best! Instead of looking “out there” for answers and giving away our power, let’s...Read More

Manifesting 101: The Science & Art of Manifesting
April 29, 2021

Want to know more about manifesting, like how to do it, what blocks your manifestation and what not to do? Learn all about the science and art of manifesting in tody’s Enchanted Empath Soulcast! Plus, you’ll learn my 5 Steps...Read More
