Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

How to use Feng Shui for Manifesting

March 04, 2022

Does your environment matter when you’re manifesting?

Absolutely, it does!

And get this… you’re manifesting right now! The question is, “What are you manifesting, and are you happy with it?” If not, change it! Neglecting your environment in the manifestation process is a big problem!

Leveraging feng shui is an absolute must for conscious creation. Your space is a reflection of you and what’s going on inside of you. And it’s the inside that is doing the broadcasting to the Universe. That is the stuff that is magnetizing similar situations and things back to you.

So how do you help your insides? How do you quiet those fears and anxieties? How do you find peace and calm inside your body and brain?

You cultivate it! Yes, you have to create peace… it’s not coming to find you – you have to find it. There are a thousand and one ways to do this, but for now, we’ll focus on creating clarity and peace by leveraging the art and science of feng shui. In other words, you can literally become a clear and peaceful channel for all the things that you desire simply by moving the stuff in your house around!

“You could pray for 1,000 nights, visualize for 1,000 days, and give thanks for 1,000 things, but it’s when you physically prepare the way that 1,000 miracles will find you.”

mike dooley – notes from the universe

Preparing the way is always the first step in manifesting anything and everything. This is why feng shui is a big part of my manifesting toolbox and should be a part of yours too.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy or “qi” (pronounced chee). It literally translates to “wind & water.”

I see feng shui as the art of manifesting on the physical plane by clearing energy and creating space or channels for energy to flow at its optimum, healthy level. This flow makes manifesting easier and more graceful.

When your physical space is cleared and open for energy to travel, so are YOU. Conversely, when your physical space is cluttered, messy, and disorganized so are YOU and there is no room for energy or manifestations to flow. You become blocked to your dreams and desires.

There’s a CURE for that!

In feng shui, the solutions to blocked or disorganized energy are called “cures” and there is a cure for everything, so don’t worry! It’s all fixable.

Cures consist of creating energetic balance by incorporating elements of the earth in your living spaces. Those elements include wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. When you are in harmony with the earth, you’re grounded, and being grounded leads to calm, peaceful energy.

There are traditional feng shui cures and more modern ones – and they all include simple fixes using light, sound, living things, weighted objects color, things that move, electricity, symbolic objects, and empty space.

A traditional feng shui cure would be incorporating a red front door on your home to attract good luck and monetary fortune. Another example would be installing a mirror in your business across from your cash register to double the money and call in even more cash.

Modern feng shui cures include anything that speaks to your soul and raises your vibration to make you an inspired attractor to the things you want to manifest. For example, you want to attract a new romantic partner. You could move your bed so that it’s accessible to two people, include two pillows, two nightstands – keeping one empty for their stuff – and keeping two candles lit in the kitchen to inspire coupling.

Modern feng shui cures are dependent upon how you see the world. What lights you up? What sparks love, money or health to YOU? You can decorate your spaces to inspire those desires and whenever you sense them, you are calibrated to your desires again – making you a magnet to all that you want.

You are the magic in feng shui.

Traditional feng shui emphasizes the placement of objects responsible for changing the chi and creating luck and good fortune, while I believe that changing energy certainly matters, I believe that the magic maker in feng shui is YOU.

Think about it. While you are “feng shui-ing” your bedroom for partnership, for example, you are setting strong intentions simply by moving things, dreaming about the outcome, and feeling what it will be like to be in partnership. You are believing the manifestation into form and Universal energy is responding to YOU – your vibe- your energy. Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

Go ahead and feng shui your place with traditional and non-traditional cures. Whatever rocks your boat is going to be the most powerful cure you can implement.

The Bagua

The Bagua (translates to 8 areas) is the map used in feng shui to organize the areas of your home or any space, really. When you concentrate your efforts on feng-shui-ing one space at a time, you are double-downing your manifesting mojo! Feng shui really is brilliant.

The areas of the Bagua include:

feng shui bagua map for manifesting
  • Wealth & Prosperity
  • Fame & Reputation
  • Relationships
  • Family
  • Health (the Heart of the Bagua)
  • Children & Creativity
  • Knowledge
  • Career
  • Travel & Helpful People

The way to navigate the map is to position yourself at your front door (main door of home) and hold the map in front of you. You’ll be standing in either the Knowledge, Career or Helpful People section, as you line the bottom of the map as the starting point.

You can feng shui your entire house and concentrate on certain areas where you’re wanting improvements. You can also use the map to section off one room at a time, your garage, front porch, backyard, your desk or even your car. You’re only limited by your imagination.

Feng Shui Rules & Superstitions

As you jump up to do your feng shui research, you’re going to discover lots of rules and superstitions that might invoke feelings of insecurity or fear. This is where I draw the line and call on my own power – recalling that I’m the manifestor here. I urge you to do the same and put some of those ancient superstitions to the intellectual test. They don’t hold much weight and it’s important to remember their historical significance. As brilliant as feng shui is, many of the cures are nonsensical.

Remember that nothing has meaning except the meaning we give it, so keep the feng shui cures that spark your soul and ditch the ones that cause any type of resistance in your body or brain.

And most importantly, have FUN with this! Get busy manifesting your deepest dreams and desires!


Download your Bagua Map

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