Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Manifesting Step 3: ALLOW

January 05, 2022

Manifesting anything requires receptivity or allowing on your part. How can a manifestation come through if you don’t allow it? You may think you’re receptive, but are you really? There’s a high probability that you’re unconsciously blocking the very things you want.

Just how receptive are you? Take my Receptivity Quiz to find out.

Receptivity is also necessary for Step 4, Aligned Action, to happen. Aligned Action is rooted in intuition. Intuition is impossible without receptivity. Are you starting to see the importance of Allowing and how all of the steps are connected? (By the way, I use the terms allowing and receiving interchangeably.)

Manifestation Blocks

Let’s take a minute to explore the things that block manifestations before diving into the solutions.

Personal baggage. This is the #1 manifestation block, bar none. Baggage is bondage, and it can include, but is not limited to holding onto blame, judgment, resentment, and looking for occasions to be offended. This type of baggage keeps a person in the victim cycle where not much good can enter. This is where I lovingly coach my students to check themselves. We are evolutionary beings – works in progress – that require constant maintenance and lots of love.

Micromanaging the manifestations. Control freaks beware! Manifesting is a collaboration with the laws of the Universe not an exercise of personal will and ego. Just as if you are planting a new wildflower garden, you don’t dig up the seeds every day to see how the plants are growing – disrupting their process – or stand over them yelling at them to hurry up. No, you prepare the soil, fertilize it, plant the seeds, water, and on occasional weed the area to allow space for the flowers to grow. Manifesting follows the same process!

Impatience. The art of manifesting includes working with the many laws of the Universe, not just the law of attraction. When manifesting, it’s helpful to keep the law of gestation or divine timing in mind. Everything has a process and most of the moving parts are unseen. It takes patience and faith when it comes to manifesting. Let’s revisit the wildflowers. We plant the seeds in faith that flowers will be the end result. We don’t know for sure, but we know enough to proceed. That’s huge in manifesting and takes a degree of humility. And then we experience the unfoldment in due time!

Unclear ask. You may have gone too general in your desire. Perhaps you want to manifest more money. How much more? Will a dollar do? To help the process along, get specific in your desires. They don’t have to be perfect so don’t sabotage yourself with paralysis. You can always pivot, go back to the drawing board and fill in the details as you experience contrast that redirects your desires. Flexibility is your friend in the manifesting process. The more you know, the more details you can include in your ask to make them more specific. But at the same time, don’t pigeonhole yourself. Here’s how. Let’s take the more money example and tweak it: I am so grateful now that I receive a monthly income of $10,000 or more! It’s specific and there’s room to be gifted with more.

There’s no room. This is when we leverage what I call the vacuum law. The Universe abhors a vacuum and will always fill it. But if it’s already full, there is no room for the manifestation to land. It’s as if you don’t really believe that it will manifest, so you hold on to what you’ve got. This is a double block! The simple solution to this is to make room for the things you want. Make room for the new lover. Clear out your old clothes to make room for your new ones. Create the vacuum so the Universe can fill it up. It wants to. Otherwise, you’ll get passed over just because you don’t have the capacity.

Limiting beliefs. The lack of faith will stop you in your tracks. You probably won’t even get the plane off the ground without an initial belief that you can. This one is tricky because many of these limiting beliefs stem from childhood, which means they have a long history and deep neuropathways carved in the brain. All is not lost, though! With self-awareness, curiosity, and practice, we can unravel the stories that bind us and repave our processors. We are adaptable like that. With loving-kindness and patience, we can heal the past and clean up our wounds. As we feel better, we believe better. Self-care is mandatory for manifesting.

Stuck on WHOs and HOWs. When you attach yourself to a certain WHO or HOW you’re literally stepping on the toes of the Universe and are blocking your manifestations. Mike Dooley so brilliantly reminds us, “The HOWs are the domain of the Universe.” Your job in manifesting is to state the WHAT. For example, you want to get married in 2022. Currently, you’re not in a relationship, but you’re set on marrying your crush. You become a bit obsessed and focus on calling in the crush – and that’s perfectly fine and your choice! But what if there is someone more suitable for you that you don’t know yet? What if you simply focused on your WHAT and WHY? For example, I want to be married in 2022 to my ideal partner who appreciates self-growth, adventure, and fun as much as I do so I can play more, love and be loved and continue this journey always exploring and growing together. That opens the space for unlimited opportunity and reveling in the mysterious domain of the Universe.

How to Allow Manifestation

There is an art to allowing. It begins with getting out of one’s way and being in a receptive mode more than not. There are many ways to activate your receptivity, but for this conversation, I’m going to limit it to the easiest, most effective way to flip your receptivity on and that is to practice GRATITUDE.

Being in a state of gratitude is to be in a constant state of receptivity. Try to be worried and grateful at the same time. You can’t. Activating a sense of gratitude is the best medicine to shift your energy and start allowing the good stuff to flow.

Gratitude Journal Exercise

For your homework today, complete this sentence: I’m so grateful for these people, places, circumstances, and physical things in my life now! As you are making your list, you are remembering or imagining the pleasure and joy these things bring to your life. And as you do that, you are in a receptive place calling in more things to be grateful for.

Worthy Mentions

12 Days of Abundance with James Wedmore – 5 Levels of Gratitude – Podcast

That’s it for today! Let’s continue the conversation with weekly coaching for 90 days inside Enchanted Empath Community. Join with your 7-day free trial and let the Manifest 2022 Journey continue!
