Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Manifesting Step 2: ALIGN

January 05, 2022

What is Alignment?

Alignment is everything when it comes to manifesting. In Step 1 of the Manifesting Process, you asked for what you wanted. You wrote down your dreams, desires, and goals for 2022. You got clear on your WHYs and started to imagine or visualize how your life will be once your desires become realized.

Now the real adventure begins! Your journey moving forward is about managing your energy with awareness, intention, and focus so that you become an energetic match to the things you’re wanting to bring into form.

We’ve already clarified that everything is energy, right? You are an energetic being always transmitting certain frequencies by way of your mood, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. In other words, you are always broadcasting an energetic vibration or “vibe.”

That vibe that you’re broadcasting, whether you’re conscious of it or not, is like a magnet drawing back to you much of the same vibe. So, if you’re in a foul, grumpy mood, for example, you’re going to attract more situations that match and feed your current energy. Like attracts like. If you’re in a kind and generous mood, you’ll attract more of that. So doesn’t it make good sense to manage your energy more consciously?

When you are manifesting deliberately, managing your energy isn’t just good sense, it’s absolutely necessary! You must be energetically aligned or a vibrational match to the things you want to manifest. It’s the only way they will.

Alignment is not a one-and-done task to be checked off your list. Energetic alignment takes awareness and daily practice – not efforting, but practice. I liken energetic hygiene to personal hygiene or physical fitness. It’s something you address daily and make choices that support or sabotage it throughout the day. The choice is always yours.

Alignment and Empaths

Energetic Alignment for the sensitives and empaths can be challenging for the unpracticed. Most empaths, including myself, tend to take things personally and can become emotionally reactive to external circumstances. We feel emotionally hijacked because we have lost our alignment and have given our power away. As a result, we manifest poorly from a place of powerlessness.

The good news is, we can flip this script and become powerful manifestors as we leverage our sensitivity proactively. When we realize our power and train ourselves to take nothing personally, to become observers of other people’s energy (OPE), we can sit firmly in the director chair of our lives and manage our energy beautifully and align ourselves with our deepest desires. It just takes practice like anything else.

This is why awareness and daily practice are essential in manifesting – simply because you’re human and life throws curveballs. Practicing energetic alignment keeps us flexible and adaptable so we can pivot when necessary and not break.

Energy Management Tips

How do you keep your vibe healthy and high? How do you clean up those occasional messy vibes? How do you align your energy to match your manifestations? Here are a few ideas that you probably already do. Now you can do them deliberately as part of your energy management system.

  • Ground yourself. Get yourself in nature. Walk barefoot, jump in the lake, feel the earth, take a hike.
  • Meditate. Sleep is the highest form of meditation, according to the Dalai Lama, so don’t worry if you don’t sit in the lotus position to meditate. There are many ways to meditate. The intention is to slow your mind and body.
  • Breathe. Breathing deeply is the quickest way to re-direct or re-set your energy.
  • Visualize. Imagine your life as if you’ve manifested your desires. Play in your head. It’s the birthplace for all manifestations.
  • Speak or write affirmations and mantras. Create your own short, sweet phrase that can put you back into the now and back into your power.
  • Play music. Music is an instant energy changer and something we all can relate to. Music is powerful. Use it.
  • Pray or connect with the God of your understanding. This can be achieved by being in nature, getting on your knees, meditating with Buddha beads… it’s your call and it’s all good.
  • Feed your mind well. Watch uplifting TV or listen to podcasts that teach you something useful. Read. There’s a lot of competition for your attention. Get picky about what you let in. It affects your energy.
  • Practice appreciation. When you see the beauty in things, your vibe rises like crazy! Look for the good.
  • Keep good company. Your energy is precious. Share it with those who match it and lift you up.
  • Forgive the past. Holding resentments makes you a hostage. Free yourself and feel your energy heal and rise.
  • Eat clean. Consume foods that give you life and nourish your body. Hydrate. Treat your temple well.
  • Feng shui your living space. Declutter, make space, create beauty where you hang out most. Your space affects your vibe. Make it nice!

Bottom Line

The world and all its trappings will challenge you, affect your energy and occasionally knock you off your center. Get ahead of it. Practice daily energetic hygiene. Manage your energy well and become the director and starring role in this movie called your life. Manifest like a boss. You’ve got this!


Let’s get you energetically aligned with the things you want to manifest. Take your one big intention for 2022 and in your journal, you’re going to re-write it. Write this down: I am so happy and grateful now that ____ because now I feel ____ and I can ____.

Act as if this is happening now, so keep your verbs in the present tense (I am living in, I am at my ideal weight, I am married, etc)

Fill in the blanks, add more! Imagine your outcome. Imagine all the ways your life has changed. Capture the details, the environment, how you feel, what you look like… have fun with this journal activity!

Next, create a simple affirmation or mantra that easily shifts your mood, energy, and focus (I’m a money-making machine, All of my needs are met, and then some, Be here now, for example.)

Last, energetically align a physical space in your home where you most hang out. Start small. Clear the clutter, make it nice. Hang a picture. Add a plant. Notice your mood as you complete the task!

That’s it for today! I’ll see you tomorrow for Step 3: ALLOW.

Worthy Mentions

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

