Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Manifesting Step 1: ASK

January 02, 2022

One thing I know for sure is this: We live in a Responsive Universe. The Universe is always listening and responding to our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs by delivering to us people, places, and situations that match them. Your thoughts and feelings are like magnets drawing back to you (the sender) energetic matches – 24/7. So, if you don’t like what you see in your environment you can change it by first changing your own energy, and then you can attract something better.

Most people are not aware of their magnetism and end up manifesting by default. They attract more of ‘what is’ – not comprehending their amazing ability to co-create with the Universe. This kind of complacency and unawareness leads to depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and feelings of powerlessness.

But not you. You know better. You sense there’s something bigger and more magical going on, or you wouldn’t be here reading this. You are wired for success. You are wired to manifest or bring into physical form all of your dreams, desires, and goals. It all starts in your imagination. You are the only creature on the planet with an imagination which signifies you are here to create. Why else would you have one?

Your imagination is the incubator for all things manifested. You have an inspired thought that sparks a desire and your imagination keeps it alive. Every time you dream or allow the inspired thought to play itself out, you are in the creation process. Isn’t that amazing when you stop to think about it?! No other creature on the planet has this ability.

So imagine if you used your imagination intentionally to manifest your dreams, desires, and goals? What if you become a deliberate creator of your reality?

4 Steps to Manifesting
  1. Ask – Get clear on your goals, dreams, desires. Wish big! Get clear on your WHYs.
  2. Align – Clear the way to make room for your desires. Check your thoughts and habits.
  3. Allow – Dig in and see what’s blocked you in the past and become an amazing receiver.
  4. Aligned Action – Leverage your intuition for higher guidance that is aligned with YOU.

Manifesting Step 1: Ask

Today’s training covers the ASK. We’ve already determined that we live in a Responsive Universe and that we’re always asking by our desires and through our contrasting situations, but for the Manifest 2022 Challenge, we are going to ask with intention and purpose.

Get out your journal and thoughtfully answer the following questions. Don’t edit your responses or stop writing because you don’t know HOW you’ll manifest the things you want. This is a light, easy exercise! Let yourself dream and imagine with child-like wonder!

  1. What is your one BIG desire, dream or goal for 2022? What have you been thinking about? What has been getting your attention the most?
  2. Why do you want this? What will change? How will you feel?
  3. What changes would you like to make in your relationships – family, friends, social life, love life? Why?
  4. What changes would you like to make in your physical health and wellbeing? Be specific. Why?
  5. What changes would you like to see in your finances – career, job, income, business? Why?
  6. What about your personal development? How would you like to see yourself grow? What would you like to learn or improve?
  7. What would you like to experience in your spiritual life?

As you write about your dreams, goals, and desires, feel about them too! Remember to write down your WHYs for each of them. How will having your dreams manifest make you feel? What will change? How will you change?

Download this handly Printable Vision Board to map out your 2022 top dreams, goals and desires.

And that’s it for today! Dare to dream big, think unlimited, and have fun with this! I’ll see you tomorrow for Step 2: ALIGN.

Like my t-shirt? Get your 11:11 Make a Wish! t-shirt as a reminder that the Universe is always listening!

