Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Why New Year Resolutions Fail (and what to do instead)

December 30, 2021

The new year traditionally symbolizes a new chapter opening in the book that is your life. And after the last two years, some of us may want to simply write an entirely new book instead! But while so many people aspire to achieve ambitious goals, only 12% of you will ever experience the taste of victory. Sound discouraging? It is. 156 million people (that’s 156,000,000) will probably give up on their resolution before you can say “pop the cork.”

Why New Year Resolutions Fail
1. You’re treating a marathon like a sprint.

Creating or manifesting anything new or worthwhile takes time. Creation is a process, not a race. Our insta society wants everything NOW. It’s imperative to slow your roll and allow the Law of Gestation to happen. There are moving parts behind the scenes that are setting the stage for you. Get a longer, wider perspective and practice a little patience.

2. You don’t believe in yourself.

Many of you are letting the past dictate your future – either consciously or unconsciously. Old thoughts and habits are choreographing your next steps. See your old thoughts, beliefs, and habits as mutable. You can change them! This starts with awareness of self and putting yourself in check. Question everything – especially your own thinking. Where did those thoughts and beliefs come from? Are they true or relevant?

3. Too much thinking, not enough allowing.

I love a good intellect, don’t get me wrong. The mind is a beautiful thing, but if it’s your only processor you’re missing out on experiencing grace and ease. Trying to figure everything out and how you will achieve your goals and dreams can be exhausting when you don’t have to. Most times it’s better to get out of your head and into your heart. This is where you can relinquish control, trust the manifesting process, paddle downstream instead of upstream, and allow all the goodness you desire to come your way. Take it easy.

4. You don’t enjoy the process.

Likely because you’re trying somebody else’s process. This means your directions are not coming from an intuitive place. Perhaps you’re doing what you think you “should” do, according to popular opinion. When you operate at this level inspiration is hard to come by. Your process is going to be different from everyone elses’ because one size does not fit all! It’s important to leverage your intuition to receive guidance from a higher source and not the average, boring information out there.

5. You’re trying too hard.

Efforting = Resistance. This ties in with #3. You are trying to control the outcome and not allowing the benevolence of the Universe to unfold organically in its own time. Nobody likes a micromanager so it would benefit you to stop doing it and trust the process. Yes, you are a powerful creator and that’s awesome! But that’s only part of the equation. Your desire is being responded to energetically by the magic of the Universe too! This is a collaboration, not a one-man show.

6. You don’t track your progress.

Keep a journal to track your progress, your successes, and hiccups. When you do, you’ll see patterns emerge and then you can pivot when necessary. When you see your successes on paper, it lifts your energy, creates momentum for more success, and feeds your confidence to continue. When you take the time to read your past journal entries, you’ll more than likely impress yourself! You’ll see how you rose above certain situations, survived a few others and how you’ve beautifully evolved. It’s quite insightful.

7. You have no social support or accountability.

John Donne reminds us that “No man is an island.” In other words, no one is truly self-sufficient. Everyone must rely on the company and comfort of others in order to thrive. Isolation is a killer and we’ve all experienced what isolation feels like over the last couple of years. Working on a goal or dream within a group of supportive people is a game-changer. Having a community to support you on your path is just good medicine for you and for the community!

8. You know your what but not your why.

When you make a resolution you intellectually know the what or the thing you want to achieve. But what is your WHY? Your WHY is your emotional drive that creates lasting inspiration. The WHAT can keep you motivated, but that’s fleeting. Inspiration speaks to your whole self – mind, body, and spirit. For example, your goal is to purchase a home in 2022. That’s the WHAT. But what’s your WHY? Oh, so you can start a family, become a parent and experience unconditional love, provide a loving space for yourself, feel grounded, start a garden, have amazing dinners with friends, and be part of a community? Those WHYs will keep you going.

Bottom Line:

The reason New Year resolutions fail is that you’re out of alignment with what you say you want. Your words, energy, and actions are not aligning.

Do this instead:

Get ALIGNED. Energetic alignment takes self-awareness and daily practice. Your energetic hygiene determines the outcomes in all areas of your life. That’s a pretty heavy statement and I stand behind it 100%. Managing your energy is everything and the key to manifesting anything! It’s a simple concept but we humans make it entirely too complicated and difficult to do. It doesn’t have to be like this. Once you learn how to manage your energetic alignment, you become an unstoppable and amazing manifestor.

How do I become and amazing manifestor?

Put your manifesting mojo to the test! Join my Manifest 2022 Challenge for a 3-day sample of what it’s like being a member inside Enchanted Empath Community and discover the 4 step process of the Art of Manifesting:

  1. Ask – Get clear on your goals, dreams, desires. Wish big! Get clear on your WHYs.
  2. Align – Clear the way to make room for your desires. Check your thoughts and habits.
  3. Allow – Dig in and see what’s blocked you in the past and become an amazing receiver.
  4. Aligned Action – Leverage your intuition for higher guidance that is aligned with YOU.

Once the 3-day challenge is up, you’re invited to continue your journey inside Enchanted Empath Community with your 14-day free trial. You seriously have nothing to lose and everything to gain! If it’s not the place for you, simply cancel your membership before your trial is up. No harm, no foul!

If it is for you and you feel yourself learning, thriving, and manifesting amazing things, then your monthly membership fee is only $39. With that, you’ll be able to continue your manifesting journey and participate in weekly Wednesday Workshops (that are also recorded), live Monday Meditations (meditation is the #1 tool for energetic alignment, by the way), and lots of special events and celebrations!

I’m being transparent with you because I want you to succeed with creating 2022 YOUR WAY with continued support, coaching, and an amazing community! I created this community so everyone can afford to explore and develop their spiritual gifts consistently while making new friends.

It’s kind of like having a church without religion!

Take the first step, join the Manifest 2022 3-Day Challenge. You can sign up at charlenemurphy.com/manifest2022
