Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Why Empaths Hate Their Cell Phones

November 18, 2021

There’s a lot to love about smartphones. Smartphone technology makes life super easy and convenient, no doubt! But there’s a dark side to cell phones that empaths truly hate.

Empaths are naturally sensitive.

Let’s face it. Phones can be loud, invasive, and disruptive. Getting calls, robocalls, emails, notifications of every kind, and text messages all day long can be maddening to the empath. Typically, empaths are quiet and independent. We rely more on intuition for guidance, so we need quiet to tune in, process our thoughts and emotions. Phone stimulation can be overwhelming for the empath, especially one who does not enjoy multi-tasking.

Cell phone addiction

Cell phones have dominated our attention and we’ve become addicted to them. According to a global tech company, Asurion, “Americans check their phones 96 times a day – that’s once every 10 minutes on average.” That number is up 20% from two years ago, indicating the problem is only growing.

As a culture, we have become dopamine addicts. We want a quick hit of pleasure and smartphones fit the bill – for 10 minutes or so, and then we need another hit. Dopamine is a slippery neurotransmitter that feeds the brain gratification and leaves it wanting more – and more, creating anxiety and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Serotonin on the other hand is also a pleasure-producing neurotransmitter that creates lasting satisfaction and even joy. We create serotonin when we’re in nature, in love, and experiencing the beauty of the world. An easy way to remember the difference between dopamine and serotonin is this: Dopamine will cost you. You have to pay for the high and it won’t last long, whereas, serotonin is free and readily available, but it takes a little effort on your part to activate it.

Empaths hate being controlled.

I’ve never met an empath who wasn’t naturally rebellious. Empaths are hypersensitive to the controlling energy of others and don’t tolerate it well. That’s why most of us avoid crowds and have a strong dislike for herd marketing and dodge places like Disneyland and Las Vegas.

Having a smartphone is like having Vegas in your pocket. It can be sensory overload leaving the empath feeling like their brain, mind, money, and attention are being hijacked.

The good news is we can mitigate that!

Smartphone Tips for Empaths
  1. Turn your ringer off. This is the easiest way to avoid all the noise. When you must have the ringer on, choose a ringtone that is soothing and doesn’t startle you.
  2. Turn your phone over. Like I said earlier, smartphone technology is amazing and vital for business, so most of us need it nearby when we’re working. To avoid the notification popups, and screen noise, flip your phone over face down. You can check the phone on your timing.
  3. Select which notifications are important to you and turn the rest off. Do you really need to know that Peggy just posted her lunch on Facebook? No, but you might want to know when you get a gig on Fiverr.
  4. Schedule no screen time. Put the phone down. Far away. Especially at night so you can get a good night’s sleep and avoid developing Tech Neck. Save your spine!
  5. Get dopamine aware and manage it. Where else are you buying your quick hits that leave you chasing them mindlessly? Go on a dopamine cleanse and focus on your serotonin uptakes. It will increase the joy in your life.
  6. Inform your friends, family and clients about your phone availability. Set up your clients so they can easily schedule their own appointments. They will understand. Just keep in mind, “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” (unknown source)

Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Skip the selfie and get serotonin-wasted instead.


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