Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Day 13: Finding Clarity in the Pause

May 03, 2024
psychic cleanse day 22 finding clarity in the pause

Welcome to Day 13 of our transformative journey through the 22-Day Psychic Cleanse! Yesterday, we channeled Justice your ability to make firm, sound decisions using both your intellect and intuitive faculties. Today, we’re delving into a crucial aspect of that process: the art of waiting for intuitive information to come through. It’s a concept that might feel a bit counterintuitive in our fast-paced world, where we’re accustomed to instant answers and constant activity. But trust me, there’s magic in embracing the pause.

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

ram dass

Rushing through life without clarity or a plan from higher guidance can leave us feeling scattered, overwhelmed, and disconnected from our inner knowing. It’s like trying to navigate a dense forest without a map or compass—we might stumble around aimlessly, unsure of which path to take.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man Tarot Meaning

That’s where the wisdom of the Hanged Man card in the Tarot deck comes in. Picture this: a figure suspended upside-down, calmly observing the world from a different perspective. Notice the glowing halo of light around his head. It’s like a beacon of new insights, awareness, and enlightenment, just waiting to blossom and grow!

This card embodies patience, faith, and serenity—the qualities we need to cultivate as we wait for clarity to emerge.

Patience is about trusting that the answers we seek will reveal themselves in their own time. It’s about surrendering the urge to force things to happen and instead allowing the universe to unfold as it should. Think of it as planting seeds in a garden and trusting that with time, sunlight, and water, they will eventually blossom into beautiful flowers.

Faith is about believing in something greater than ourselves—a higher power, the universe, or simply the wisdom of our own intuition. It’s about having confidence that we are being guided and supported, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. When we have faith, we can navigate the twists and turns of life with a sense of inner peace and assurance.

Serenity is about finding calm amidst the chaos. It’s about quieting the chatter of the mind, letting go of worries and doubts, and sinking into a state of deep relaxation and receptivity. When we cultivate serenity, we create space for intuitive insights to bubble up from the depths of our being, like messages from our soul to our conscious mind.

I often tell my clients to be still until they receive that intuitive a-ha moment… that moment of pure clarity that hits you when you’ve stopped analyzing and come into a place of receptivity. It’s when you’re washing dishes, taking a shower, reading a good book, watering your lawn, or just resting when the answers and information flow to you. It’s then and only then that you move your feet. That’s when you’re free to take aligned action, and that feels so much more stable and sure-footed!

So, my friends, as we journey through Day 13 of the psychic cleanse, let’s remember to embrace the pause. Let’s take a deep breath, release the need to rush or control, and trust that the clarity we seek will come when the time is right. Remember, it’s not about doing more, but about surrendering into the stillness and allowing ourselves to be guided by the wisdom that resides within.

Cleansing Exercise 
