Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Day 11: Fortune Favors the Flexible

May 02, 2024
psychic cleanse day 11 fortune favors the flexible

Welcome back! Today marks day 11 and the half-way point of our transformative journey through the 22 Day Psychic Cleanse. Today’s topic is the inevitability of change and the invaluable lesson of remaining flexible like water in life.

Change—it’s a word that can evoke a mix of emotions, from excitement to fear. Yet, one thing is certain: change is constant, like the ebb and flow of the tides or the turning of the seasons. It’s the very essence of life itself, and resisting it is like trying to swim against a powerful current. You’ll only exhaust yourself.

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”

jon kabat-zinnmeasure

In our quest for spiritual growth, it’s crucial to understand that being too rigid and inflexible can hinder our progress. Picture this: you’re holding onto a person, place or situation for dear life, afraid to let go and flow with the river of change. Meanwhile, the universe is whispering guidance, nudging you towards your true path, but you’re too fixated on control to hear it.

What is your true path? Is it fate or destiny? I would say no. Your true path is comprised of your inner desires and longings. You may have put them on hold for a myriad of reasons, typically rooted in fear, but they persist at the level of spirit… and that’s what you’re broadcasting to the universe and THAT is what the universe is responding to.

I frequently say, “Spirit always wins.” So, if you’re bucking against your true path and blocking the way, spirit will find ways to help you receive your true desires in wanted and unwanted ways. So, it really is essential to proactively embrace change, be flexible like water, and go with the flow.

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning

This is where the wisdom of the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot deck comes into play. The Wheel reminds us that life is cyclical, filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. One moment you’re riding high on the crest of good fortune, and the next, you’re plummeting into the depths of despair. But here’s the deal: no matter where you are on the wheel, change is inevitable. It’s how you respond to it that matters.

Think of the Wheel of Fortune as a cosmic compass, guiding us through the ever-changing landscape of our lives. When we remain open and receptive to its guidance, we allow ourselves to flow with the currents of life, rather than fighting against them. It’s about surrendering to the natural rhythm and seasons of life and trusting that everything happens for a reason and that there is a conspiracy happening for your ultimate wellbeing.

But receptivity isn’t just about sitting back and waiting for good fortune to fall into your lap. It’s an active process that requires mindfulness and intention. It’s about tuning in to the subtle whispers of the universe, whether through meditation, prayer, or simply being present in the moment. When we cultivate this receptivity, we create space for miracles to unfold and blessings to abound.

As we continue our journey through the Psychic Cleanse, let’s channel the wisdom of the Wheel of Fortune: embrace change, remain flexible, and stay open to the guidance of the spiritual world. As we do that, we invite good fortune to flow into our lives with ease and grace. And who wouldn’t want a little extra magic in their lives?

Cleansing Exercise 
