Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Day 9: Taming Your Inner Lion with Grace & Strength

April 30, 2024
psychic cleanse day 9

Hey there, wonderful souls! Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s close to our hearts: inner strength and the art of keeping our composure, even when life throws us a curveball. You know, life has this funny way of testing us, pushing us to our limits, and sometimes leaving us feeling like we’re barely hanging on by a thread. But here’s the thing – we’re stronger than we think. Deep within each of us lies a wellspring of resilience and courage, just waiting to be tapped into. So, grab a cozy seat and let’s explore how we can harness that inner strength to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and ease. Together, we’ll discover the power of staying calm in the midst of chaos and emerge even stronger on the other side. Let’s dive in!


Strength Tarot meaning

Here we have a serene figure gently taming a fierce lion, not with brute force, but with an aura of calm confidence, much like The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan.

The Strength card is like a beacon of light guiding us towards our inner reservoirs of resilience, grace and determination.

While The Chariot symbolize outer strength and willpower, Strength whispers to us about something deeper – our inner fortitude and the indomitable human spirit within us all.

The lion represents our triggered egos and knee-jerk reactions to external situations. We all have them – those sneaky little patterns that seem to creep up when we least expect them. Maybe it’s the tendency to micromanage every detail, fueled by the ever-persistent ego whispering in our ear to “win” at any cost. Or perhaps it’s the impatience that gnaws at us when things aren’t moving at the speed of light. Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing: trying to force things to happen with ego and impatience rarely ends well. Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – exhausting and ultimately futile. But not to worry, we are fully equipped, just like the figure on the Strength card to tame our inner lion with grace and strength.

Strength isn’t just about flexing our muscles or bulldozing through obstacles. It’s about tapping into that quiet power that resides within, knowing that we have the stamina and persistence to weather any storm that comes our way. It’s about facing life’s challenges with a sense of inner calm and patience, trusting in our ability to overcome, and trusting that the process is ultimately working out for us.

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The Strength card is a gentle reminder that we are fueled by our own inner strength and personal power. We don’t need to rule by trying to control others; instead, we influence and persuade with quiet confidence. Others might underestimate our power because it’s not flashy or overt, but that’s okay – it’s our secret weapon, allowing us to control situations with grace and subtlety.

If you’re feeling a bit battered and bruised by life’s challenges, take heart! The Strength card is here to remind us that we have what it takes to persevere. You’ve got the grit and determination to see things through to the end, no matter how rough the road may seem… and know that all rough roads eventually come to an end.

So, as we continue on this journey of self-discovery and growth, let’s tap into our inner strength and embrace the challenges that come our way. Remember, you are stronger than you think, and with a little patience and perseverance, you can conquer anything that life throws at you. Keep shining bright, and until next time, stay strong!
