Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Day 8: Harnessing the Power of Determined Action

April 25, 2024
Psychic Cleanse Day 8 Taking Determined Action

Welcome back to our journey through the 22-day psychic cleanse. Today, we’re diving deep into the realm of determined action, channeling the unstoppable energy of The Chariot Tarot card.

Imagine this: you’re on a path, your goals shimmering like distant stars in the night sky. But oh, the distractions! They tug at your sleeves, whispering sweet temptations and veering you off course. We’ve all been there, right? That’s where Day 8 swoops in like a superhero, reminding us of the power we hold within ourselves.

The Chariot

The Chariot Tarot Meaning

Enter The Chariot, or what I call the “Tony Robbins” Tarot card. It’s the embodiment of willpower, focus, and unwavering determination. Think of Tony Robbins himself, a force of nature propelling people towards their dreams with sheer passion and drive. That’s the vibe we’re channeling today.

Now, let’s address the obvious issue: lack of focus. It’s like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, bumping into walls and going in circles. But fear not! The Chariot comes in like a GPS, recalibrating our internal compasses and pointing us towards our true north.

Willpower and determination are our trusty steeds, guiding us through the chaos of everyday life. They’re the secret sauce that transforms dreams into reality. Without them, we’re just ships adrift in a sea of uncertainty. But with them? Oh, with them, we’re unstoppable forces of nature.

But here’s the thing: success isn’t just about bulldozing through obstacles like a wrecking ball. It’s about navigating the twists and turns with grace and finesse, just like The Chariot effortlessly glides through opposing forces in the Tarot deck.

Sure, there will be distractions, doubters, and detours along the way. But remember, we’re equipped with everything we need to conquer them. The Chariot reminds us that even when the odds seem stacked against us, we have the power to chart our own course and emerge victorious.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

Lao tzu

So, as we embark on Day 8 of our psychic cleanse, let’s embrace our inner charioteer and charge forth with courage, determination, and a sprinkle of Tony Robbins-like enthusiasm. Our goals await, and nothing—not even the most enticing distractions—can stand in our way.

Until tomorrow, my fellow adventurers, keep shining bright like the stars you are.

Cleansing Exercise
