Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Day 7: Making Good Choices

April 22, 2024
psychic cleanse day 7

Can you believe we’re already on day 7 of our 22-day psychic cleanse? Time truly flies when you’re diving deep into self-discovery and spiritual alignment, doesn’t it? Today, let’s cozy up and explore the profound wisdom of The Lovers card in the Tarot deck and how it beautifully intertwines with the choices we make and the temptations we face.

The Lovers

The Lovers Tarot Meaning

Picture this: The Lovers card, with its captivating imagery of two figures standing beneath the radiant archangel, Raphael, symbolizes harmony, unity, and alignment of values. It’s a reminder that every choice we make has the power to either bring us closer to our true selves or lead us astray from our authentic path.

Now, let’s address the monkeys in the room: the irresistible allure of short-term gains, dopamine hits, and pleasure-seeking behavior. In a world fueled by instant gratification, it’s all too easy to succumb to these temptations, isn’t it? Whether it’s the thrill of indulging in a guilty pleasure or the allure of a quick fix, our moral compass can often feel clouded by the haze of momentary satisfaction.

If left unchecked, our behavior can lead us down a path of disconnection from our authentic selves and those around us. We risk sacrificing long-term fulfillment and meaningful relationships for fleeting moments of gratification. Our moral compass may become increasingly obscured, making it challenging to navigate life with integrity and purpose. In the long run, we may find ourselves trapped in a cycle of chasing temporary highs, ultimately leading to dissatisfaction, regret, and a sense of emptiness.

But fear not because just like The Lovers in the Tarot deck, we are equipped with the wisdom and clarity to discern between what serves our highest good and what merely satisfies our fleeting desires. It’s about tuning in to that inner voice, that gut feeling that whispers, “This is right for me,” even when the allure of instant gratification beckons.

“Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.”

Paramahansa yogananda

So, how do we stay true to our authentic selves amidst the chaos of temptation? It starts with a deep understanding of our values, our beliefs, and what truly matters to us at our core. By anchoring ourselves in these guiding principles, we cultivate the strength and resilience to make choices that align with our moral compass, even when the path may seem daunting.

Think of it as a dance between our desires and our higher selves, a delicate balance of listening to the whispers of our hearts while staying grounded in our truth. Just like The Lovers, we have the power to choose love over fear, unity over division, and authenticity over conformity.

And here’s where vulnerability and honest communication come into play. Being naked and honest with ourselves and those we hold dear creates a sacred space for authentic connection and growth. It’s about stripping away the layers of pretense and allowing ourselves to be seen, flaws and all. When we embrace vulnerability and open up to honest communication, we deepen our connections and cultivate trust, paving the way for more meaningful relationships and choices aligned with our true selves.

So, as we journey through day 7 of our psychic cleanse, let’s embrace the wisdom of The Lovers and remember that every choice we make is an opportunity to align with our authentic selves. Let’s choose love, let’s choose unity, and let’s choose to walk our path with courage and conviction. After all, the greatest adventure of all is the journey back to ourselves.

Cleansing Exercise
