Enchanted Empath

Enchanted Empath

Day 5: Self Authority & Ruling Your Realm

April 12, 2024

Welcome back to our journey through the mystical realms of self-discovery. Today marks Day 5 of our 22-day psychic cleanse. By now you should be aware and amazed at how beautifully and powerfully you are equipped with unlimited resources and gifts.

And the hero’s journey continues… Picture this: you’re sitting at the helm of your life, steering confidently through the ebbs and flows of existence, just like the Emperor in the Tarot deck. What does that image conjure for you? Authority, responsibility, and a sense of calm command, right? Well, my friends, that’s precisely the energy we’re tapping into today.

The Emperor

The Emperor Tarot Meaning

Our focus on Day 5 is all about embracing our innate self-authority, much like the Emperor archetype. But what does that mean exactly? It’s about taking ownership of our choices, actions, and ultimately, our lives, in a cool, collected manner. No frantic emotions or knee-jerk reactions here—just good ol’ fashioned self-assurance.


“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of,” as Jack Canfield once wisely said. This quote beautifully encapsulates the essence of taking 100% responsibility for our lives—acknowledging our power to shape our own destinies by taking ownership of our thoughts, actions, and choices.

You see, one of the biggest pitfalls we encounter on our journey towards self-realization is the tendency to seek external validation and guidance at every turn. We’re bombarded with advice, opinions, and societal norms that dictate how we should live, love, and even think. But here’s the kicker: one size does not fit all.

Just like the Emperor who rules his kingdom with wisdom and discernment, we too are equipped with all the tools we need to navigate our own unique paths. It’s about tuning into our internal compass, trusting our instincts, and honoring the wisdom that resides within.

But let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we? Taking full responsibility for ourselves can be daunting. It requires us to step into our power, to confront our fears and insecurities head-on. It means no more playing the blame game. But here’s the beauty of it: when we fully embrace our self-authority, we become the architects of our own destiny.

Solar Plexus Chakra

But here’s where it gets even more fascinating. Have you ever heard of the solar plexus chakra? It’s the energy center located in the upper abdomen, and it’s often associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. Just like the Emperor draws strength from his unwavering sense of authority, our solar plexus chakra serves as the energetic powerhouse that fuels our sense of self.

When this chakra is balanced and vibrant, we radiate with confidence and assertiveness, ready to take on whatever challenges life throws our way. But when it’s blocked or stagnant, we may feel insecure, indecisive, or even powerless. That’s why it’s crucial to nurture and honor our solar plexus, allowing its energy to flow freely and unobstructed.

Think of it as running your own race, free from the constraints of comparison or external expectations. You set the pace, chart the course, and celebrate every milestone along the way. It’s a liberating experience, my friends—one that allows us to live authentically and in alignment with our true selves.

So, how do we cultivate this sense of self-authority in our daily lives? Start by practicing self-love and self-acceptance. Celebrate your strengths and acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Set healthy boundaries and stand firm in your convictions, knowing that you are worthy of respect and autonomy. Continue by tuning out the noise—the endless stream of opinions, judgments, and shoulds. Instead, turn inward. Take time each day to connect with your intuition, whether through meditation, journaling, or simply quiet reflection like you’re doing right now.

Trust yourself. You are the expert of your own experience, the master of your destiny. And remember, just like the Emperor in the Tarot deck, you have the power to make sound decisions that align with your authentic self.

So here’s to embracing our inner Emperor, to leading with confidence and conviction, and to reclaiming our sovereignty one step at a time. Until next time, dear seekers, stay curious, stay courageous, and above all, stay true to yourselves.

Cleansing Exercise
