

Latest Episodes

25 years to black belt, impossible life balance & transitioning points...
August 28, 2019

Mark explains why it was totally worth taking a rain check on his life long dream of grading to black belt, we talk about the impossibility of finding balance at certain life stages, how me time can be over prescribed (sometimes you need to be...

Hacking my monkey mind :-)
July 24, 2019

Tips and tricks I use to hijack my monkey mind :-) Covering trick and treating, dismantling that ever present list of things to do hanging over my head (ha ha not any more!!), impressing myself and tapping into the feelings of potential loss (not...

Reconnect - Creating a relationship that flourishes :-)
July 15, 2019

Download the eBook Reconnect!!

Divorce proof your relationship!!
June 09, 2019

Divorce proof your relationship! Learn how we use carbs, wine and rock climbing to add a little more sparkle, playfulness and points of connection. Mark and I talk about how to create a relationship that will not only stand the tests of time but be...

A guys perspective!! Mark's thoughts on change, communication, taking the lead and prioritisation :-)
May 08, 2019

Yes guys can learn to communicate, embrace change, take the lead (from the girls) and prioritise their relationship!! Giving the guy's perspective Mark shares his experience within our relationship, the things he found the hardest and what he'd wished...

Vulnerability, Boundaries & Building Trust...
April 27, 2019

Don't hand that precious heart out on a silver platter before trust has been earned!! Making sure we build in a trust building mechanism into our relationship ensures that we are establishing a partnership and not taking on a project.... 

Conflict Resolution....
March 26, 2019

Lover? Fighter? Actually you need to be both!! Conflict is a healthy and necessary part of a vibrant, connected and loving relationship so let's make this process as soft, intimate and successful as we can. Break the cycle of unresolved conflicts...

Blending Sex with Affection & Leadership Equality ;-)
March 20, 2019

Equality starts with our relationships... Being confident in sharing the leadership of your relationship means you make better decisions together - become the expert in your own relationship/family, no letters after your name required ;-) Also add a...

Honeymoon Culture Cultivation :-)
February 24, 2019

The honeymoon phase is almost always underutilized!! Use the most fun and easy time in your relationship to really set yourselves up for relationship success. Topics covered include building your 'million small things' into your relationship (plant...

Body Image & Self Esteem - I'm looking at you gorgeous ;-)
February 23, 2019

Hey Gorgeous, yes I'm talking to you ;-) This little coffee chat will challenge your perception of what beauty really means, how you view yourself and challenge societal narratives around feminine beauty and worth. I also share how I took my 'aha'...
