On The Move: Reiseabenteuer abseits der Touristenpfade

On The Move: Reiseabenteuer abseits der Touristenpfade

Latest Episodes

Pilotfolge: Ready For Departure
March 06, 2022

Einfach mal weg. Abseits von Alltag und Lärm. An einen Ort ohne Menschenmassen. Ready For Deprature! Im On the Move - Podcast begeben wir uns gemeinsam auf einzigartige Reiseabenteuer. In dieser Folge

3 Kyoto / Nara / Tokyo
March 17, 2019

This time we talk you through some more of our temple visits in the amazing imperial city, Kyoto, as well as a failed deer feeding and spontaneous trip to the famously popular photo booths in Nara. We headed back to Tokyo on the bullet train to see what .

2 Kyoto
February 20, 2019

In our first episode on the road we discuss our time in Kyoto, the first stop on our adventure. We visited lots of shrines and temples, none of which Matt can remember the names of. It was a lovely city and one we would love to revisit in the future. It .

1 Preview - Before We Go
January 30, 2019

Before we set off on our big adventure, we talk about where we are going and what we are most excited for over the next year.  We'll be providing updates on our journey, as regularly as we are able to, so make sure you subscribe to keep up to date. We ho.
