

Latest Episodes

The Moon And Sixpence 28.6
June 12, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 28.6

The Moon And Sixpence 28.5
June 11, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 28.5

The Moon And Sixpence 28.4
June 10, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 28.4

The Moon And Sixpence 28.3
June 09, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 28.3

The Moon And Sixpence 28.2
June 08, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 28.2

The Moon And Sixpence 28.1
June 07, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 28.1

The Moon And Sixpence 27.2
June 06, 2018

The Moon And Sixpence 27.2

The Moon And Sixpence 27.1
June 05, 2018

Two or threeweeks passed. One morning, having come to a pause in my work, I thought I wouldgive myself a holiday, and I went to the Louvre. I wandered about looking atthe pictures I knew so well, and let my fancy play idly with the emotions theysuggested.

The Moon And Sixpence 27.1
June 05, 2018

Two or threeweeks passed. One morning, having come to a pause in my work, I thought I wouldgive myself a holiday, and I went to the Louvre. I wandered about looking atthe pictures I knew so well, and let my fancy play idly with the emotions theysuggested.

The Moon And Sixpence 26.6
June 04, 2018

He was stilltoo weak to paint, and he sat in the studio, silent, occupied with God knowswhat dreams, or reading. The books he liked were queer; sometimes I would findhim poring over the poems of Mallarme, and he read them as a child reads,forming the word
