Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons

Latest Episodes

June 16, 2021

One thing most of us can agree on from being a kid is that getting a break at lunch to go outside and play was one of the best parts of your day, if not the highlight. Jack and Kev talk about the idea of “recess” (and that as the term for it), what kind o

June 09, 2021

While they’ve officially been around for nearly 80 years, the Swedish furniture and home goods company didn’t rise to the top until the past decade. From 2008 on, IKEA has since remained the world's largest furniture retailer with their trademark blue and

June 02, 2021

It’s sometimes taken for granted how much color plays a role in every part of our lives and how we communicate, whether that's a natural part of the world (like a fruit) or a human-made conscious decision (like a red stop sign). Jack and Kev discuss a var

Mystery Box #1
May 26, 2021

In the first installment of a new occasional series, Kev and Jack pick a few random smaller topics and combine them together in a mixed grab bag episode. What will be in it? Each time will be a surprise. But in this edition, there may be some themes of no

May 19, 2021

A fixture of the skateboarding community for decades, Vans has also come to establish itself as one of the most popular shoe brands overall. They're an undeniable part of pop culture, and it looks like they're here to stick around a while with their consi

May 12, 2021

Along with eating pizza, one of the holy grails as a kid is drinking soda. Pull up to the birthday party and there it is, waiting for you as a source of liquid heaven. Kev and Jack talk about their experiences with it from a younger age to now, each of th

May 05, 2021

If there had been no Tiger Woods, golf wouldn’t be as popular as it is today. But while Tiger himself could be electric to watch, what about the game overall as entertainment on TV? And then on the flip side - while some may thinks it looks easy to just h

Oscars 2021
April 28, 2021

It's been a weird year for movies, and the Oscars followed suit with an untraditional ceremony. Kev and Jack talk about whether they felt like it worked for better or worse, outcomes of bigger awards categories, and suggestions for changing it up. Plus, t

April 21, 2021

Letters are the pillars of our communication and language systems, and they all come together under the umbrella of an alphabet. Different cultures and locations use different versions, but the English alphabet is filled with 26 of ‘em. Is that too many?

April 14, 2021

The Suez Canal took over the headlines recently with a giant ship blocking a key pathway in it for a week. But aside from transport vessels, what are the best and worst boats out there? There’s no shortage of types (cruises, sailboats, kayaks, submarines,
