Get Real Podcast

Get Real Podcast

Latest Episodes

#048: Vacation Rentals - Asset or liability?
December 09, 2019

Who wouldn’t want a vacation home on the beach? In a dream world, you could take as many vacations as you wanted and could earn your money back at the same time. But we aren’t here to fill your head with delusions; here’s the truth on vacation...

#047: Real Estate Investing Q&A - Lightening Round #1
December 02, 2019

It’s finally time for our very first lightning round episode! For weeks our listeners have been sending in their questions, and now we’re going to answer as many of them as possible, and as quickly as possible.

#046: Technology Time Suck
November 25, 2019

In continuation of the previous episode, we’re going to talk about what happens once you leave your job to go start your own company. Do you have what it takes to get a brand new business up off of the ground? Luckily, we know someone who is going...

#045: The Break Up - Why Create a Culture of Growth
November 18, 2019

Breakups happen every day. Eventually, it’s time for an employee to move on and do their own thing; especially if you’ve got an entrepreneurial-minded person on your team. But don’t let this hinder you from hiring an entrepreneur in the first...

#044: Adversity - Gift or Curse?
November 11, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to be even mildly successful at something, you are going to be faced with adversity. When Ron broke four of his fingers six weeks ago, he hit a wall in his workout routine. He became sluggish, and what was once a morning...

#043: So You Closed On Your First Investment Property....
November 04, 2019

Once you become an investment property owner, you need to be prepared to make the tough calls. What do you do if your tenant is late on this month’s rent? What extra expenses are a must, and which ones aren’t necessary? We’ll answer these...

#042: So You Put An Investment Property Under Contract...
October 28, 2019

When you put your first investment property under contract, your immediate reaction will be to panic. If you don’t get your fear under control then you’re going to suffer a lot of sleepless nights, and you’ll waste money. That’s why we’re...

#041: How Dreams Become Reality...
October 21, 2019

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how to set down a path for success and achieve your dreams.Today, however, we’re going to branch off of that and discuss what obstacles will try to block your path – and how to overcome them.

#040: How To Minimize Vacancy in Your Rental Properties
October 14, 2019

Tenant turnover costs property owners money. You lose a month’s rent at a minimum while looking for another tenant and doing minor repairs. Learn tactics for avoiding turnover on this podcast. To start, find good tenants. If in a market flooded with...

#039: How to Enjoy The Journey To Success
October 07, 2019

While working toward goals is a good thing, it is not everything. Many people, even smart investors, say they are building wealth now and will enjoy it later. Not a good plan. You can learn to find joy in everyday things. Ron and Angela believe it has...
