Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Latest Episodes

God's Elect
June 03, 2019

It’s been a season of elections! With people using the ballot paper to express themselves. The difference between the world we live in and God’s kingdom is that, unlike the world, Christians don’t choose God, He chose us, even before the foundation of the

God's Holy People
June 03, 2019

Did you know that you are a saint? Yes, you! The word 'holy', which can also be translated 'saint', can certainly seem unreachable and daunting. Don’t miss out this week on learning what it means to be part of God’s holy people - set aside for Him. Preach

Salt & Light
May 13, 2019

What have salt, light and cities got to do with one another? Apparently, quite a lot! Matthew 5:13-17 should cause us to consider afresh who we really are as citizens of God’s city, and what that means for the city in which we live. If the church truly gr

Servants of Christ
May 05, 2019

This week, we are considering the church as servants of Christ. I don’t imagine many of us will be saying “Yes, that’s what I want - I want to be a servant”. Being a servant is in opposition to everything in our flesh, which wants to be raised up. Preache

Home Advantage
April 14, 2019

God calls his people to live in unity with one another and to make every effort to live together in harmony with other fellow believers. It’s the presence of God that brings believers together. As a family, we are called to encourage and love one another

Agents of Mercy & Compassion
March 31, 2019

As we continue with our series, we explore what it means to be agents of mercy and compassion.  Preacher: Joel Mason. cityhillglobal.com  

The Army of God
March 24, 2019

God is raising up an army around the world to push back the forces of darkness and restore creation back to himself. The church is not just a people who congregate on a Sunday or Friday morning, it’s also God’s mighty army.  Preacher: Fusi Mokoena. c

The Body of Christ
March 17, 2019

Our guest speaker, Bruce Oliver, will be continuing with our series as he talks about the Church as the body of Christ. Visit: cityhillglobal.com 

God's Ambassadors
March 10, 2019

What does it mean that we, the church and individually, are Christ’s ambassadors? Find out as we look at our role in reconciling those lost in darkness with their God. Preacher: Nicki Ward. cityhillglobal.com  

The Church As God's Bride
February 24, 2019

In the same way as each couple invests time and effort towards a wedding day, Jesus Christ, the bridegroom has been investing heavily in his bride, the church. Jesus is looking forward in anticipation for the day when His bride, the church, will appear an
