

Latest Episodes

FLO 23: IBS, Candida and Metals with Mary
October 23, 2019

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common issues that Elyse’s clients present with. It can be absolutely debilitating- wondering where the next toilet is, constantly being afraid of getting caught out and not making it,

FLO 22: Quick Tips- The BEST Gut Healing Food
October 17, 2019

‘Healing the gut’ has gained immense popularity as the best approach to good health, but is the food most commonly championed as being the best food for gut healing really the right one? Join Elyse as she shares with you what the absolute BEST food for...

FLO 21: Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Candida, Parasites and Metals with Becky Plotner
July 03, 2019

In this episode, Elyse chats with one of her favourite people- Becky Plotner! Becky is an absolute wealth of information, and in this episode we are privileged to hear some of her own story. Becky Plotner, ND, traditional naturopath, CGP, D.PSc.

FLO 20: Quick Tip- Nutrition isn’t the answer
June 19, 2019

‘Nutrition isn’t the answer’ is probably not what you expect to hear from a Nutritionist. It is so easy to get caught up in just one aspect of health, and nutrition is one area that gets the most attention.

FLO 19: Overcoming Chronic Fatigue with Gemma
June 12, 2019

Gemma’s story is quite an incredible one. Gemma has gone from virtually house bound suffering for years with chronic fatigue, to now thriving in her personal life and building her own business. Chronic fatigue is such a widespread issue,

FLO 18: Quick Tip- Are you getting enough sleep?
June 05, 2019

Humans are the only mammals that delay sleep. Three quarters of those who suffer from depression also suffer from a lack of sleep. Getting less than 7 hours sleep each night can make you angry, sad and stressed. Are you getting enough sleep? www.

FLO 17: Eczema and Allergies with Abbey
May 22, 2019

When your child is unwell and you aren’t finding the answers that you need, things can get very scary and overwhelming. Follow Abbey’s journey with her son Noah and daughter Eve, as she finally finds the answer to deal with her son’s eczema and allergi...

FLO 16: Quick Tips- I don’t know where to start!!
May 15, 2019

Sometimes starting your healing journey/whole food journey can feel absolutely PARALYSING! Where do I  start? Is this even for me? How will I get my kids to eat the food? How will I find the time? What will I eat? What won’t I eat?

FLO 15: Allergies and Immunity with Libby
May 08, 2019

There is nothing like a shared story to give inspiration and hope on your healing journey. In this weeks episode, Elyse chats with Libby about her amazing journey with GAPS. Libby manages to resolve a long-standing issue,

FLO 14: Quick Tips- Don’t Rock The Boat
May 01, 2019

When you approach health changes, imagine you are on a boat. What is a drastic change likely to lead to? In this episode, Elyse explains the approach she guides her clients with when making health changes that are sustainable over the long term.
