Personal Branding Podcast

Personal Branding Podcast

How to Create a Brand Name

July 29, 2020

What is your name?

"It's what you invest in the name that makes the brand relevant"

Names trigger emotions, they evoke memories and they inspire actions. Out of the billions of people on earth, everyone has a name. 

In West Africa, names are so important to the extent that names they give to children always have a meaning associated with it. It's the meanings that define the names and consequently impact the lives of the bearers. 

 Examples from Ghana; a third-born male child of the Akan Tribe has the name 'Mensah'. 'Enyonam, from the Ewes means 'God has been good to me'.

Names make people feel special. Names help in easy identification and differentiation purposes.

It's in the same way brand names impact the market and its users.

The significance of names cannot be overemphasized; names have played vital roles since the first being occupied the surface of the earth.

History books have been filled with a significant number of names that cannot be forgotten by virtue of the various roles they played. It is by those names that we can refer to their deeds; good or bad.

How then do you choose a name that can resonate with your personality, product, service, and market?

I have identified three ways brand names can be crafted to help make it memorable, impactful, and identifiable.

 “A good name is to be chosen rather...” – Proverbs 22:1

Before we delve into that, here are some ideas to guide you to pick a brand name, then you can decide to fit it into any of these three ways.

* Pick a name that describes what you do. An example would be Salad Masters (Into Salads). 

* Pick a name that doesn't relate to what you do; it could be something you create. An example is Google (Has nothing to do with their products and services, the name was made up)

* Pick any of your names or all of your names. An example Tyler Perry Studios

* Pick a name that triggers emotion and connections. An example Cravings Cafe. (This may want you to crave for food)

* Pick a name that defines your niche. An example is ToddlerCare

* Pick a name and play with the spellings and enunciation. An example is SQIN Care, that's Skin Care. 

* Pick a name in another language or a translation in another language. An example is Tonaton(In Ghana it's a Twi phrase that means, buy and sell.

The ideas are endless, don't be stack, permit yourself to daydream and craft your unique brand name.

Now, how to choose your Brand names, using my rule of three (3)

Firstly, go for one name:

Going for one name will imply either you have a unique name or you are willing to sacrifice to put in more work to make the brand name stand out and relevant.

'One name brand name' doesn't come cheap.

Here are some global examples of 'one name brand name' starring from musicians, authors, thought leaders, religious leaders, products, and services.

Example: Oprah, Ronaldo, Otabil, Messi, Sarkodie, Shattawale, Obrafour, Stonebwoy, Manifest, Sinach, Oyadepo, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Jesus, Mohammed, Pele, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Toyota, Honda. Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Quartz, Zoom, etc

Secondly, you go for two names. A two-name brand name also demands a level of commitment and hard work to make the name count. In using two-names,
