40 Acres & a Fool

40 Acres & a Fool

Latest Episodes

Ep 24 | Past Tense, Current Events: Fights on the Right
June 14, 2019

Ever since Donald Trump entered the Republican…

Ep 23 | Don't Worry, Be Happy (As Much As You Can)
June 14, 2019

With one week before her next scan, Miss E's a little worried about what comes next in her fight with cancer.  In the meantime, though, she's milking goats, knitting up a storm, and making the most out of every day.  Plus, some of the goats of Corny Goat

Ep 23 | Don't Worry, Be Happy (As Much As You Can)
June 13, 2019

With one week before her next scan, Miss E's a…

Ep 22 | Hives, High Water, & Helping Hands
May 31, 2019

Miss E's back with Cam this week as the pair break down the highs and lows of her cancer treatment, garden successes and failures, the disappointing beehive, and a fellow "fool" who's hoping to leave the her Garden State farm and find a new homestead in g

Ep 22 | Hives, High Water, & Helping Hands
May 30, 2019

Miss E's back with Cam this week as the pair b…

Ep 21 | Struggles and Strength on the Near Frontier
May 25, 2019

Sadly, this hasn't been a great week for Cam and Miss E.  From struggles and side effects with Miss E's new cancer treatment, to relatively minor developments like the pair's bees disappearing, it's been a bit of a challenge staying positive.  Cam's doing

Ep 21 | Struggles and Strength on the Near Frontier
May 24, 2019

Sadly, this hasn't been a great week for Cam a…

Ep 20 | Is Rural America Doomed?
May 17, 2019

Cam's got a tough question this week:  are most rural counties doomed to decline?  One Iowa State University professor thinks so, but Cam's got a couple of ideas to save the near frontier.  Plus, updates on Miss E, a goat says goodbye to the 40 Acres, and

Ep 20 | Is Rural America Doomed?
May 16, 2019

Cam's got a tough question this week:  ar…

Ep 19 | Living in the Moment
May 10, 2019

Cam and Miss E are together again in this episode, with good news on their garden, even better news on her fight with cancer, and some great advice from a listener about making every day count.
