3rdRace.org Podcast

3rdRace.org Podcast

Podcast #18: Reframing Conferences

March 22, 2017

Welcome to podcast #18!
The Players

* R.C.
* Andrew
* Tyrone
* Alison
* Carrie
* Bridget

The Conversation
What do you expect from a conference? Information? A mountaintop Experience? Special "untouchable" speakers? This semi-special edition podcast is an excerpt from a 2-hour radio program that these six saints host together on Sunday afternoons in Austin, TX. In this segment, they debunk common mindsets and expectations for religious conferences and offer a renewed outlook for the To the Saints Conference coming in July 2017. If you'd like to hear the whole program, in which they also discuss what it means to be a priesthood and see (or hear) Christ in a song, check out the website at tothesaintsradio.com.
Reframing Conferences
Information vs Impartation

Emotion vs Equipping

Disconnected vs Connected

Special Speakers vs Brothers and Sisters

Independent vs Interdependent

Passive Spectator vs Active Participant

Self-Help/Improvement vs Self-Emptying (Our Needs vs His Needs)
Self-Help def: the use of one's own efforts and resources to achieve things without relying on others

To find out more about the conference and to register, go to tothesaints.com.
