3 Minute Business Tips

3 Minute Business Tips

Don't Solve Small Business Problems You Don't Have Yet

April 13, 2015

http://3minutebusinesstips.com   Too often, I see people worrying about small business problems that they’re nowhere near facing. One time, an acquaintance was talking about a third-person’s small business idea. My acquaintance had somehow convinced this person that one of her biggest problems in launching her business, which would be making a product, was that she would need a huge building to accommodate several of the machines that would make the product. So this third person was all worried about how she would make enough from her product, especially early on, to pay the rent for this huge space.  I about fell over. My acquaintance had planted this seed that could have killed this woman’s business idea for fear of not being able to deal with this space. Or, possibly worse, my acquaintance’s comments might have encouraged this lady to go rent some huge space, when she’d not yet sold a single product or purchased and used even a single machine for production within the business. My acquaintance had created a phantom problem.
