The Examined Life

The Examined Life

Latest Episodes

What is an examined life
March 27, 2024

In this episode I share what an examined life means to me and why it is so important to be willing to go inward to ask the right questions to find the hidden treasures awaiting you. Welcome to the Examined Life by Jessica Coulthard

Youre Desired Future
August 25, 2022

Creating a desired future based on the feelings you want to have can be much more motivating than just setting goals.  Let me know what you think at and get your copy of the 12-Week Rediscover YOU Journal and go on a

You don't have to want to
May 08, 2022

Why do we always think we have to Want to do the things that are good for us? If we wanted to do them, we would be. What we can do instead is Choose to do the things, realize that even though we choose them, we still may not like it. But that is ok, becau

Play it where it lies
April 11, 2022

This is a golf term, that means wherever the ball lands, you must play from there even if its in the dirt.  Well, this is the way life is too. Most people did not get a perfect childhood, in fact some had really horrific ones. But unfortunately we do

Expectations are the Killer of Joy
April 08, 2022

I know this one may be a tough one for most people to  understand but I welcome you to just try this one and see how it feels. If you are always expecting things to be amazing, you are totally setting yourself up to disappointed. When we hang on too tight

Freedom Formula
April 06, 2022

What is Freedom to you? Most people have no idea, what freedom means to them.  Happiness and freedom  begin with a clear understanding of one principle Some things are within your control and somethings are NOT - Epictetus Using the Freedom Formula  Aware

Using What if to solve problems
March 28, 2022

Using the What if reframe when you are stuggling to make a decision can open you up to possibilities you had not seen before this show is a living growing evolving thing, please let me know what you think, and other topics youwould love to hear about mess

Why this, and Why now?
March 27, 2022

We are allways evolving, this podcast is just part of my personal evolution to being confident to share my voice!  I want to finally share what is important to me and concepts that may help you! As this show is a living growing evolving thing, please

The beginning of an amazing adventure into an examined life
March 27, 2022

What is an Examined Life? i believe that it is a life of intention, a life of living in the NOW, and living on Purpose! This can only be achieved when youare willing to go on an adventure of exploration into yourself, the world and others. will you join m
