Two Douchebags and a Microphone

Two Douchebags and a Microphone

Latest Episodes

mark thinks a ping pong paddle is trying to communicate with him, Rob wins a stare off with an ostrich.
January 02, 2024

Mark thinks a ping pong paddle is trying to communicate with him. Rob wins a stare off with an ostrich.

mark and rob put on clown noses and scream at people close up
January 01, 2024

mark and rob put on clown noses and scream at people close up

Mark climbs the jungle gym and pisses on Rob, while mark is laughing rob lights marks genitals on fire.
December 29, 2023

mark climbs the jungle gym just to piss on rob, rob lights marks genitals on fire.

mark ties a cowbell on his ballsack, rob sprays ghost pepper spray on marks exposed asshole.
December 27, 2023

mark ties a cowbell on his ballsack, rob sprays ghost pepper spray on marks exposed asshole.

mark tears up Robs snow fort, Rob in a fit of rage bites mark's nose off, fun times.
December 26, 2023

mark tears up rob's snow fort, rob in a fit of rage bites off mark's nose. good times

rob smacks mark in the nuts with a ping pong paddle. mark screams and cries
December 23, 2023

rob smacks mark in the nuts with a ping pong paddle, mark screams and cries

mark bites rob's ass cheek then Rob kicks mark in the nuts.
December 21, 2023

mark bites rob's ass cheek then Rob kicks mark in the nuts

mark n rob have very loud gas in a movie theater, a large man slaps the shit out of them, they cry.
December 20, 2023

mark n rob have very loud gas in a movie theater, a large man slaps the shit out of them, they both cry for hours.

mark get rob out of jail, mark shits himself on the way home, rob vomits on mark
December 18, 2023

mark shits himself while bailing rob out of jail, rob vomits on mark.

rob has a viral video on tik tok of naked chicken clucking, rob jumps in the lake and catches a carp with his teeth.
December 15, 2023

robs naked running tik tok video, rob runs naked clucking like a chicken jumps in the lake and catches a carp with his teeth.
