Jody Hojin Kimmel

Jody Hojin Kimmel

Latest Episodes

Realize the Unborn: Shapeshifting
May 05, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 5/5/24 - Hojin Sensei explores the archetype of the shapeshifter through the arts, stories of the Buddha, and Zen Master Bankais teachings of the Unborn—that “all o

Fusatsu: Sangha Harmony
April 26, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZMM - 04/26/24 - Dharma Talk during the Apple Blossom Sesshin 2024 Fusatsu Ceremony - Hojin Sensei encourages us to strive to be in harmony with each and every aspect of ou

Jukai at Fire Lotus Temple – April 2024
April 21, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 4/21/24 - With Hojin Sensei officiating, three students formally receive the sixteen Buddhist precepts, taking up these living teachings, living vows in the company

The Old Woman’s Miraculous Powers
April 14, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei ZMM - 4/14/24 - A tea shop proprietor serves traveling monks a koan to accompany their tea. “Let those of you with miraculous powers drink tea.” Then she says to the stunned

Satsujo Weeps: Total Eclipse of the Heart
April 07, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 4/7/24 - From The Hidden Lamp: Collection of Stories of Twenty Five Centuries of Awakened Women - What is grief? Can we respect it? Not fear it? Really let it work

Right Essentials: Great Trust, Great Inquiry, Great Commitment
April 06, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 4/6/24 - Awakening From Illusion... Is that what we call the practice of the way? For awakening is not a one-time thing, a one-time event. But a continual awareness

Lingzhao’s Helping
March 28, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZMM - 3/28/24 - From The Hidden Lamp, Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women - Hojin Sensei presents a koan of Lingzhao and her father, falling together. How

Distraction Attraction
March 17, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 3/17/24 - Hojin Sensei examines a prevalent feature of our lives: distraction. We call it “monkey mind;” in Sanskrit it’s vikshepa, which means “mental wandering”,

Ango Opening at Fire Lotus Temple
March 03, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 3/3/24 - Hojin Sensei opens this Ango, or Peaceful Dwelling, with a talk about right relationship with the world; expressing gratitude. She shares the Fourth Noble

The Noble Eightfold Path: Right Relationship to the World
March 02, 2024

Jody Hojin Kimmel, Sensei - ZCNYC - 3/2/24 - How do we create suffering, and how do we unmake it? What is skillful? What isn’t? Hojin Sensei speaks about the Fourth Noble Truth and the Eightfold Path.
