Hope is NOT a Plan

Hope is NOT a Plan

Hope was Critical on D-Day and Is In Everyday Life | Five-Minute Friday 12

June 08, 2024

Today's Five-Minute Friday shares the power of hope as an ignition point to inspire action. I share an amazing example of the hope the GIs had as their landing crafts approached the beach and as they stood up, buckled in, and prepared to jump into Nazi-occupied territory. I'll also walk you through how a GI may have focused on their own seven pillars of ownership, mindfulness, movement, boundaries, connection, sleep, and faith as they faced seemingly insurmountable odds.

Hope can inspire us to push through terrifying moments, but it must be paired with action. Thank God the men who participated in Operation Overlord 80 years ago this week kept moving as bullets flew and explosions filled the air.

- Keep hoping

- Make a plan

- Take action

More on how to do this and balance your life at hopeisnotaplan.org

Godspeed y'all,

