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2stopsmokingtips.com - Podcasts powered by Odiogo

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What are the Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises to Smoking Cessation?
September 06, 2012

Even though smokers inhale deeply while smoking, they forget to continue deep breathing after they quit. Yet, deep breathing is so beneficial to quit smoking. It does not only strengthen lung capacity, it eases nicotine cravings and improves the moody fe

What are the Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises to Smoking Cessation?
September 06, 2012

Even though smokers inhale deeply while smoking, they forget to continue deep breathing after they quit. Yet, deep breathing is so beneficial to quit smoking. It does not only strengthen lung capacity, it eases nicotine cravings and improves the moody fe

A Cup of Green Tea a Day Benefits Stop Smoking and Prevents Lung Cancer
August 31, 2012

A lot has been said and documented about the health benefits of green tea. Some say it’s a wonder drink while Jason Busell in his book titled: “The Asian Diet: Simple Secrets for Eating Right, Losing Weight, and Being Well” says green tea is the gr

A Cup of Green Tea a Day Benefits Stop Smoking and Prevents Lung Cancer
August 31, 2012

A lot has been said and documented about the health benefits of green tea. Some say it’s a wonder drink while Jason Busell in his book titled: “The Asian Diet: Simple Secrets for Eating Right, Losing Weight, and Being Well” says green tea is the greatest

Why Do I Cough after Quitting Smoking? Is it Smokers’ Cough or What Do I Make of It?
August 28, 2012

In his book, Everyman’s Guide to Perfect Health, S.N. Khosla describes smokers’ cough as dry, occurring in the early hours of the morning and disappearing after smoking cessation. This cough is said to be caused by excessive smoking and most (not a

Why Do I Cough after Quitting Smoking? Is it Smokers’ Cough or What Do I Make of It?
August 28, 2012

In his book, Everyman’s Guide to Perfect Health, S.N. Khosla describes smokers’ cough as dry, occurring in the early hours of the morning and disappearing after smoking cessation. This cough is said to be caused by excessive smoking and most (not

5 Highly Effective Stress Relief Tips You Can Use During Quit Smoking
August 27, 2012

When you try to quit smoking, it comes with a lot of stress. This article examines ways to relieve stress when you eventually drop off cigarettes. Smokers on Why They Smoke Many smokers say they smoke to relieve stress. They claim cigarettes are an excel

5 Highly Effective Stress Relief Tips You Can Use During Quit Smoking
August 27, 2012

When you try to quit smoking, it comes with a lot of stress. This article examines ways to relieve stress when you eventually drop off cigarettes. Smokers on Why They Smoke Many smokers say they smoke

What Does Vitamin E Do For Smokers?
August 13, 2012

In an earlier article, I explained the role vitamins and minerals play in the smoking cessation process. In this article, I want to explain the role vitamin E, plays in the quit smoking process. Enjoy it!  What is Vitamin E? Vitamin E is a fat-soluble Vi

How Does Vitamin C Help Quit Smoking?
August 03, 2012

There is no doubt about the fact that Vitamin C plays a pivotal role during smoking cessation. The big question however is; how exactly does Vitamin C help quit smoking? I discuss the answer in this post. Enjoy it! What is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is an essen