Two Nerdy Black Guys

Two Nerdy Black Guys

Two Nerdy Black Guys: We’re Comin’ for Karen Gillan! - Two Nerdy Black Guys

April 06, 2015

On this episode, we are joined by James Bartholomeu, managing editor at indie-love and

The man known as iyagovos joins the 2NBG for a bit of banter. Djm attempts to ingratiate himself by showing his knowing his pathetically limited knowledge of England and English culture. And James actually has an appreciation for David’s home state of Michigan.

Kaz’ geography lesson is brought to you by the letter 3.

Once that’s out of the way, video games!
Is the whole “indie game” aesthetic finally starting to die out? Is Steam Greenlight good for bad for gaming? Have we reached peak indie game? James gives his take.

All this and a Duck Hunt/Duck Dynasty game pitch. Think about it, guys!

Think about it.


LINKS: Indie Game News and Views (
Follow James on Twitter @iyagovos! (
