2 Everyday Nerds

2 Everyday Nerds

Latest Episodes

Episode 36: Nerds Fantasy SciFi
March 22, 2020

In this episode we discuss what we classify as the SciFi genre and what is the fantasy genre. We try to break down the two different genres and what makes them different. We also ask each other movies/books/TV series to see what we would classify them...

Episode 35: Nerd Adaptations
March 20, 2020

In this episode we talk about our feelings on book/TV/anime to movie adaptions. We talk about a few adaptions and the ones that are good. We also talk about why we think adaptions are so popular lately. Let us know your favorite adaptions on both our...

Episode 34: Nerd Collectors
March 09, 2020

In this episode we talk about some of the collections we have collected through out the years. We talk about some of our first collections and some of the collections we currently have. Let us know some of your favorite collections on both our Twitter...

Episode 33: TCN (Trading Card Nerds)
February 28, 2020

In this episode we talk about Trading Card Games. We touch on all of the games we grew up with and played and still play. Let us know your favorite TCG on both our Twitter and Gmail which is linked in our description.

Episode 32: Nerds of Prey
February 24, 2020

In this episode we talk about the new DC movie Birds of Prey. *** Spoilers for the new Birds of Prey movie*** We go into what we liked about the movie and talk about the DCEU as a whole. (Sorry for the audio quality I fixed it as much as I could but...

Episode 31: Saturday Morning Cartoon Nerds
February 20, 2020

In this episode we do a pseudo part 2 to our anime talk and talk about cartoons. We dive into as many cartoon shows that we can remember from our childhood to the shows we are watching now. Let us know the ones you liked while growing up or ones that...

Episode 30: Anime Nerds
February 07, 2020

In this episode We talk about anime. We get into the shows we are currently watching, the ones we have watched in the past, and ones we want to watch in the future. We would love to hear your suggestions on more anime to watch. Let us know at our...

Episode 29: Nerd Countdown- Top 5 Marvel Superheroes
January 30, 2020

In this episode we do the next episode in our Nerd Countdown series our Top 5 Marvel Superheroes. We also try and guess the other persons list. Do we get close in our guesses? Do we have the same favorite superhero? Do we have no idea what a Marvel...

Episode 28: Toss A Coin To Your Nerds
January 26, 2020

In this episode we talk about the new Netflix series The Witcher. ***Spoiler warning for The Witcher*** We talk about the series and what we liked about it and compare it to the video games a little bit. Let us know your thoughts on The Witcher on our...

Episode 27: 2020 Nerd Movies
January 18, 2020

In our first episode in 2020 we start the year by going back to our original podcast topic which was the movies were were excited for in the upcoming year. We go through each month and talk about some of the nerd movies we are most excited for. We...
