2 Everyday Nerds

2 Everyday Nerds

Latest Episodes

Episode 56: What a Nerd Wants-Star Wars Edition
September 09, 2020

In this episode we talk about some future projects we would like to see from Star Wars. We hit on origin stories, animated TV shows, and far off stories. Let us know some of the future projects that you would like to see from Star Wars. Our Twitter...

Episode 55: Where in the Nerd Fictional World Again?
August 30, 2020

In this episode we do a part 2 of our episode where we talked about fictional worlds we would want to live in. We talk about worlds that are a little more obscure in this episode, so be prepared! let us know some fictional worlds you would want to...

Episode 54: Nerd Academy
August 23, 2020

In this episode we talk about season 2 of the Netflix series The Umbrella Academy. ****Spoiler Alert for Umbrella Academy*** We get into what we liked and... well no just what we liked of season 2. We also touch on season 1 a little bit but mostly...

Episode 53: Nerd Expectations Rant
August 10, 2020

In this episode we rant about how people always have such high expectations for media now a days. We get a little heated in this episode so tune in and listen to what we get so heated about. let us know your thoughts on expectations now a days. Our...

Episode 52: Nerd Countdown- Top 5 Smash DLC Characters
July 20, 2020

In this episode we countdown who we want for the next 5 DLC characters in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. We choose characters that we want to see and ones we think are most likely to be put into the game. These characters could range from new IP...

Episode 51: What a Nerd Wants
July 14, 2020

In this episode we talk about future projects we would like to see. These projects could be movies, TV shows, or video games. Let us know what movies, TV shows, and video games you would want to see on our Twitter and Gmail which is linked in our...

Episode 50: Nerds of the Arrowverse
July 06, 2020

In this episode we dive in and talk about the CWs Arrowverse. We talk about what we like and think could be tweaked in the Arrowverse. We also talk a little bit on our opinions of DC's streaming site, DC Universe. Let us know your thoughts on the...

Episode 49: Nerd Questions
June 22, 2020

In this episode we go over some nerd questions. We go over questions that range Star Wars to video games. Did we get any of them right or even close? Who knows? Let us know your answers to these and any more questions you want us to try and answer on...

Episode 48: Where in the Nerd Fictional Worlds?
June 15, 2020

In this episode we go back and forth and talk about different fictional worlds we would want to live in. These fictional worlds could range from worlds from movies, TV, books, video games, or anything else we could come up with. Let us know what...

Episode 47: Disney Nerds
June 09, 2020

In this episode we talk about the big company of Disney. *** I also apologize for the car noises I am working on it for next time*** We talk about how we feel about the company and if we think it is a monopoly. We also talk about the live-action...
