The Colitis Coach

The Colitis Coach

Latest Episodes

Amazing discussion on weight loss, covid and all things microbiome with Dr. Christine Bishara!
November 11, 2021

This episode blew our minds! Dr Christine B and her wealth of information on gut health. Dr. Bishara is a published author of a scientific article linking gut flora imbalances to COVID-19. Her discovery is the first of its kind to link covid severity to t

The story of Crohns Crusaders
November 11, 2021

Trevor Zabar- Crohnscrusader I am so excited to have Trevor on the show. Trevor struggled/struggles with Crohns and had to step out of the traditional medical model in order to find enough healing that allowed him to live a normal life. Currently he run

Clinical Nutrition with Perpetual Health Co, J Gulinello NTP, FNS, CPT
November 11, 2021

J found his way to health and nutrition through some unlikely channels. He has a degree from Berklee in Music Production & Engineering but always had a love of sports in his background. He became an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer with a specialty in

TBI and Gut Health with Dr Michelle Eisenman
September 23, 2021

Brain Injury and gut Health with Dr. Michelle Eisenman We are happy to announce that we have another guest in our show today. Her name is Dr. Michelle Eisenman, she works with individuals who have a brain injury and helps improve the quality of their lif

Processed Foods and Their Effects
September 09, 2021

Avoiding processed foods in our current societal model is impossible for most people. The few that are able and knowledgeable enough to grow their own foods are still, generally, unable to grow everything they require to sustain a healthy & complete diet.

Sleep and Gut Health
September 02, 2021

Sleep disorders are way too common nowadays. Our lifestyles complicate this issue and we are left baffled as to how to fix it. Long work hours, traveling across countries or the globe, lack of exposure to the sun, nighttime work shifts, poor eating schedu

Standard American Disease Treatment
August 19, 2021

Our medical system is broken. We often talk about the Standard American Diet (SAD) and how it is a disservice to our health but the buck does not stop there. The Standard American Disease Treatment, I just coined that term to relate it to the acronym of t

Family Friendly Gut Health With Cooking With Anais
August 06, 2021

Find Nicole Carter at Find Erika Smith at Find Anais on Instangram at @cookwithanais or Welcome back everyone! We’re doing something a little different today. Today we h

PUFAS and Processed Food
July 30, 2021

Ready for some gut health coaching? Find Nicole Carter at Find Erika Smith at Excerpt: Long-term dietary habits play a crucial role in creating a host-specific gut microbiota community in humans. De

Movement and Gut Health
July 16, 2021

GUT HEALTH & MOVEMENT What is considered movement? Things that increase your heart rate, develop muscle growth or maintenance, use glucose in your blood. Physical activity is a movement that is carried out by the skeletal muscles that require energy. In
