

Latest Episodes

Oh, You’re Not White? You Must Not Be That American
November 21, 2021

Why, in a melting pot nation, does color determine if you’re more or less American than someone else?

Children Influencer Partnerships
June 29, 2021

The newest form of advertising for corporations to instill materialism into our kids: children social media influencers

Tokenizing American Minorities in Education
June 06, 2021

Our racial perceptions of ourselves and in society is partly due to our educational system.

Living in a Material World Surrounded by Advertisements
May 19, 2021

We are living in a material world, there’s no doubt about that. But why? What is making us materialistic? Advertisements is one of the problems.

Response to Rick Santorum- Influence of Native Americans on our modern American culture
April 29, 2021

Response to Rick Santorum statement that “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” He completely dismisses the importance of what happened to the Native Americans, and doesn’t understand where our modern American Culture is rooted in

Materialism Causing Depression
April 25, 2021

Short discourse of how our culture imposing values on materialism is one of the causes of depression and anxiety

Curated (Trailer)
April 20, 2021
