Find Fat Fish Presents: "The Intelligent (and Lazy) Investor"

Find Fat Fish Presents: "The Intelligent (and Lazy) Investor"

Latest Episodes

#7 Feeling Skeptical? Listen to this.
May 18, 2021

In the final episode of this series, I sit down with the shows producer, "IRON" Mike Steadman, to discuss his skepticism with investing, before producing this show.

#6 Try This At Home, But Not Alone
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I highlight the importance of mentorship in shaving years off of the learning curve and getting from misery to mastery with intelligent rapidity.

#5 Start Before You Study
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I discuss the only antidote to paralysis-by-analysis and information overload—experience—and explain why, for an aspiring investor, reading books is the last thing they need.

#4 Concentrate To Create
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I put a stake through the heart of the prevalent myth that “Diversification Is Smart” and explain why this widespread assumption is at the heart of our scary net worth gap (and probab

#3 Stop Over-Trusting Authority & Under-Trusting Yourself
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I discuss why over-trusting “financial professionals” is the surest way to self-sabotage. And what to do instead.

#2 Demand Independence Of The Highest Order
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I discuss how the first problem we have to confront in our journey to becoming successful amateur investors is not Wall Street’s greed, it’s Main Street’s fear. (Our fear. Our excuses

#1 First Things First
May 18, 2021

In this episode, I establish who I am, my background, and what we’re here to accomplish: teaching people what the smart money is doing that the dumb money is not, so they can take intelligent action t

Find Fat Fish Presents: "The Intelligent (and Lazy) Investor" Trailer
May 18, 2021

Welcome to “The Intelligent (and Lazy) Investor” where we help you start investing, intelligently and lazily.
