Wheel of Luck

Wheel of Luck

Latest Episodes

Trails of Failure
April 01, 2022

Every success has Trails of Failure behind it

Little progress..ends up big Result
March 31, 2022

Each day do little progress you will get big Result

Thought influence health
March 30, 2022

Good thoughts are half of health

Ultimate Excellence
March 29, 2022

Defeating enemy without ever fighting

Small to Great
March 28, 2022

Small becomes Great which is not easy

Something is wrong or incomplete..
March 27, 2022

If you want to fulfill

We are in each other's life...
March 26, 2022

For a reason

Prayer for God's wish
March 25, 2022

Wonderful wish that l will do my work honestly for welfare of Mankind

I just want peace
March 24, 2022

No desire to argue with anyone

Let karma do the rest..
March 23, 2022

Don't think about revenge just move on
