Wheel of Luck

Wheel of Luck

Latest Episodes

Journey OF Twin Flames
December 19, 2021

What's Twin Flames

Profit comes from
December 18, 2021

Customers gives profit so be loyal to them

Don't talk just do
December 17, 2021

We must apply knowledge

Sieves of Story
December 16, 2021

First check and then listen

Laughing Faces
December 14, 2021

A light heart lives long

Windows of soul
December 13, 2021

Eye's are Windows of souls

Be Masterpiece
December 12, 2021

No one is coming to save you so be Masterpiece

Waste of time
December 11, 2021

Don't take crazy thing's seriously. Take it easy

Face of GOD 2
December 10, 2021

If you want to see face of God then love someone human being or animal

Face of GOD
December 09, 2021

To love another person is to see the face of God
