Life Impact Network

Life Impact Network

Latest Episodes

Divine Concentration For Incubation 5
January 24, 2021

This episode emphasizes the need for conceding the call to discipleship before the Lord can concentrate upon a life for incubation. Concession is a voluntary submission to the Lordship and authority of Christ for Him to commence the process of discipleshi

Divine Concentration For Incubation 4
January 17, 2021

This is the forth episode dealing with the parameter that determines the Lord's choice of His men. This episode is quite insightful as it unveils what the Lord is interested in seeing in the men He intends to concentrate upon before He calls them unto Him

Divine Concentration For Incubation (1)
December 06, 2020

This new series will usher you into intimacy, tangible experiences and fresh encounter with God. This is the first, others will follow. Ensure you listen attentively, absorb it in and share with others as well.
