

Latest Episodes

ACTivate - 20 May 2024
May 20, 2024

ACTivate is a monthly show brought to you by the Christchurch branch of Amnesty International Aotearoa/New Zealand, an organisation dedicated to campaigning for human rights.

ACTivate - Amnesty International Radio Show
April 15, 2024

Did the Pacific Island Banaba have to die for New Zealands grazing agriculture to thrive? Listen to Katja Phutaraksa Neef as she explains one of the worlds largest environmental injustices.

ACTivate - Aimée-Noël Mbiyozo
March 17, 2024

African countries should not entertain taking forcibly displaced Palestinians" - Aime-Nol Mbiyozo, International Affairs Expert. Take Action on Gaza Crisis

ACTivate - ECPAT
February 19, 2024

Interview with Acting Director of ECPAT New Zealand, an organisation that acts to uphold the fundamental right for children to be free from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking.

ACTivate - Knowing Catherin and Kerry
January 14, 2024

Catherine and Kerry interview each other and discuss their respective favourite protest song, most inspiring activist and best protest attended.

ACTivate - Te Matahiapo Safari Hynes
December 17, 2023

Winner of the Gary Ware Legacy Award, Rangatahi Mari activist and law student, Te Matahiapo Safari Hynes, talks about the erosion of Indigenous Rights in Aotearoa

ACTivate - Amnesty International Radio Show
November 19, 2023

ACTivate is a monthly show brought to you by the Christchurch branch of Amnesty International Aotearoa/New Zealand, an organisation dedicated to campaigning for human rights.

ACTivate - Amnesty International Radio Show
October 16, 2023

Part 1 Interview with Katya Curran and Hilary Unwin from Te Khui Tika Tangata New Zealand Human Rights Commission about their mahi with the Commission.

September 18, 2023

Part 2 of an interview with Bruce Tsai from Effective Altruism NZ

ACTivate - Bruce Tsai from Effective Altruism NZ - How do we “do good” better?
August 21, 2023

ACTivate is a monthly show brought to you by the Christchurch branch of Amnesty International Aotearoa/New Zealand, an organisation dedicated to campaigning for human rights.
