Ambient Soundbath – A Podcast for Meditation, Yoga and Sleep

Ambient Soundbath – A Podcast for Meditation, Yoga and Sleep

Latest Episodes

Ambient Soundbath Podcast – Bonus Episode – Calming the Inner Storm (Guided Soundbath Meditation®)
April 07, 2023

This guided Soundbath Meditation, Calming the Inner Storm, was not originally created for the podcast. I created this as a free/pay what you want program for my Bandcamp fans, but I decided that fans of the podcast might like it, as well. If you want the

What is Soundbath Meditation®?
March 28, 2023

The Ambient Soundbath, Sound Meditation and what is Soundbath Meditation®?  The Ambient Soundbath has its roots in the practice of sound meditation. Sound meditation was something that I began exploring as an undergrad at Goddard College in Vermont some 2

Podcast Outage and Update
March 01, 2023

Hey Friends and Soundbathers, Tomorrow, March 1, we begin monthly episodes of the Ambient Soundbath Podcast… And -dot-dot-dot… We almost didn’t make it. Some of you noticed that our audio feeds were down for a couple days; thank you to those who reached o

Episode Frequency Update and Thank You!
February 22, 2023

Hello Friends and Sound bathers – First off thank you for the comments and emails regarding the frequency of new episodes. Far and away, monthly episodes were give a thumb’s up by you. So, with that said, I’ll be posting episodes monthly

Listener Feedback Requested
February 09, 2023

I’m looking for feedback from you, the listeners and ambient soundbathers… A few years ago I did a survey around how often you’d like new episodes of the Ambient Soundbath podcast. At that time, it was an even split between bi-weekly and
