Sowing the Seed of the Kingdom

Sowing the Seed of the Kingdom

Latest Episodes

Our Guide
September 15, 2022

Geoffrey Clark explores the role of the Holy Spirit guiding our way through life

Five Words
September 08, 2022

Andrew Rose explores ‘What Am I Doing Here?

A God who always gives us a second chance
September 01, 2022

Rev Gill Daniel looks at the story of Jonah

For You
August 25, 2022

Sharon Hurlow explores the amazing truth “For You, Jesus Christ came into the world, For You he suffered death on a cross, For You he triumphed over death rising to newness of life, all this Just For You”

August 18, 2022

Rev Kevin Hooke explores Jesus’ response when he was asked how to pray

Take time to listen
August 04, 2022

Alethe Virgin explores the story of Mary & Martha

How’s your fruitfullness?
July 28, 2022

Margie Wilson asks ‘How is our fruitfullness? As Christians are we producing good fruit?’

Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here
July 21, 2022

Graham Fry explores the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Elijah, the Disciples & Paul, and reminds us that the Holy Spirit can bring power to our lives too

Law v Faith
July 14, 2022

John Harrison reminds us that before Jesus came, living by his law was the way to God, since his life, death & resurrection faith in Jesus is now the way to a life with God

Coming Alongside
July 07, 2022

John Harrison encourages us to show the love & forgiveness of God to all we meet & to listen to the promptings of the spirit as we seek to be more like Jesus
