Sowing the Seed of the Kingdom

Sowing the Seed of the Kingdom

Latest Episodes

Journeying with God
February 25, 2021

In this episode Sharon Hurlow encourages us to set out on a journey through Lent to discover more of God & the promises he has made us.

Children of God
February 18, 2021

Sharon Hurlow looks at our position as Children of God and how it affects every part of our lives

Soar high on wings like eagles
February 11, 2021

Sharon Hurlow uses words from Isaiah 40 ‘But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength, they will soar high on wings like eagles’ to offer words of encouragement in these continuing difficult times.

Love builds up
February 04, 2021

Rev Vincent Canning reflects on the way our actions can impact on the faith of those around us

Come Follow Me
January 28, 2021

In this episode Rev Paul Weir looks at Jesus’ call to us to ‘Come Follow Me’

Stairway of Heaven
January 21, 2021

Sharon Hurlow looks at the story of Jacob & his dream about a staircase leading to heaven

Baptised into Jesus
January 15, 2021

Rev Kevin Hooke reflects on the current lockdown and our role as Christians, baptised into Jesus, seeking to encourage & care for those around us

We have seen His star in the East
January 07, 2021

Rev Paul Weir celebrates Epiphany & looks at what we can learn from the wise men

The Plan
January 01, 2021

As we welcome in the new year we continue to tell the wonderful Christmas story through readings, poems & song.
