Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Latest Episodes

How to Make Time to Write and Develop a System to Take Notes, with Bryan Collins
October 05, 2022

Bryan Collins relies on a simple system that captures notes and ideas that flow directly into his projects when he sits down to write. His writing routine doesn't take all day yet achieves signific

Poetry as a Playful and Pleasurable Creative Practice, with Mark McGuinness
September 07, 2022

With inspiration from Mark McGuinness, you'll integrate poetry into your writing life as a pleasurable practice that elevates your prose. In this interview, Mark describes the vision for his podcas

Try This Writing Prompt to Get the Creative Juices Flowing!
August 25, 2022

Writers working on projects that are destined to be published—to be read—can struggle with nerves. We edit our words before they have a chance to breathe on the page. We hold back our true feel

Prepare for Publishing with Insights from Literary Agent Lucinda Halpern
May 24, 2022

Literary agent Lucinda Halpern prepares us to navigate the industry and prepare for publishing. With her insights, we'll position our project—and ourselves as authors—to pitch agents and get noticed.

What's a Writing Coach (and what kind do I need)?
February 08, 2022

Have you ever wondered what a writing coach is? As you can imagine, I get asked this a lot. I mean, it is baked into my branding, and I love sharing insights I've gained over my years of coaching.

Find Your Book Midwife, Say “Yes” Before You’re Ready, Pitch to Build Platform, and Authentically Engage with Readers (interview with author Clarissa Moll)
December 16, 2021

For author Clarissa Moll, hiring a writing coach was like finding her book midwife, and she urges writers to seek that kind of intimate, knowledgeable support and input for their own writing and publi

10 Ways to Start the Writing Process When You’re Staring at a Blank Page
September 28, 2021

Louis L'Amour is attributed as saying, “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”1 Sounds easy enough, but a lot of times we can’t even find the faucet.

Embrace These 4 Key Roles for a Flourishing Writing Life
July 27, 2021

I was an English major with a creative writing emphasis. When I looked to my future, I saw myself writing. Over the years I managed to build a writing career, but as an English major, I wasn’t pre

How Simple Systems Can Unlock Your Writing Productivity, with Kari Roberts
July 06, 2021

If you're like me, you struggle to carve out time to wish you could uncomplicate life and get more done. Good news! I have business coach and online business manager Kari Roberts on the

Decoding Greatness: Discover the Fast Track to Writing Success
June 08, 2021

What if the stories we've been told about success are wrong? What if you could unlock secrets that shave years off your writing journey? In this interview, Ron Friedman demystifies the writing
