Hello Cancer Friends

Hello Cancer Friends

Latest Episodes

#5 Mark's Story
April 13, 2021

In a rare twist, I was temporarily silent while captivated by Mark's story. After given a bleak prognosis, the twists and turns of life with cancer has Mark still here to enjoy his three grandkids! His caring nature and will to fight is nothing short

#4 You're My Whiskey
April 06, 2021

I have cancer and I need life saving treatment every three weeks. The stress can be very high waiting for lab results. Nurse Rachel is a kind soul that goes above and beyond. She is always there for me. She takes the edge off. She's my whiskey. She w

#1 I'll Go First
April 03, 2021

Hello Cancer Friends is about sharing stories about being touched by cancer. I'll go first. It's not all gloom and doom like one would expect.

#2 Meet My End Of Life Coach
April 03, 2021

Some people have life coaches. After my stage 3 pancreatic cancer diagnosis, I called my super sister my "end of life" coach. She helped me with everything when I was too messed up to think straight.  She is amazing and got me through appointmen

#3 Over The Edge with Gilda's Club in Madison
April 03, 2021

There are so many wonderful organizations that help to get us through the tough times while being touched by cancer. Gilda's Club in Madison is no exception! Lannia will be joining me to share with us all of the wonderful things that Gilda's Clu

March 26, 2021

Hello Cancer Friends is born! I invite everyone touched by cancer to join me to listen and share. Patients, family, friends...everyone! Together, we can be there for each other. Visit www.hellocancerfriends.com to share your story!
