Hello Cancer Friends

Hello Cancer Friends

Latest Episodes

#75 Rachel
May 19, 2023

Meet Rachel! She's brave and she's sharing her story to help others.  Cancer does not discriminate when it comes to age and Rachel has learned this first hand after her diagnosis at just 30 years old. Add in the topic of how genetics came into p

#74 Sh*t Storm
May 05, 2023

Even some beautiful days can become a shit storm before you know what happened! Trigger Warning: This episode is about my trigger experience this week. Survivorship isn't all rainbows and unicorns but with self awareness and knowing what your mind an

#73 Lindsay
April 21, 2023

Meet Lindsay! Friends, Lindsay is the real deal. She's turning lemons into lemonade on a daily basis. You probably have already seen her on social media. Yes, it's Lindsay from Cray Gardens! From her hilarious and also sincere tik tok videos, to

#72 Tara
April 07, 2023

Meet my new friend, Tara! She caught the attention of my eyes and ears as I scrolled tik tok and I'm so happy that she agreed to share her story. Not all cancer stories are the same and Tara's is no exception. She has gone from a serious cancer

#71 Cancer Story Haiku
March 24, 2023

Sharing has been a helpful outlet for me to release feelings and pressures of going through a cancer experience. Today I'll be telling my story in fewer words in the format of haiku. It's fun and traumatic all at the same time! LOL!

#70 Keep the Faith
March 10, 2023

Keep the Faith! Early on in my diagnosis I knew I was in trouble. Facing one of the deadliest cancers, it's a challenge to be hopeful but I am proof that all hope is never lost. On this episode, I'll give a sneak peak into my book "Keep the

#69 Words of Wisdom
February 24, 2023

I have a great friend. His name is Mark and he's been on this very podcast a few times! Mark is so very kind and thoughtful. Today, I will be sharing his words of wisdom. I'm so proud and lucky to have met Mark through a social media support gro

#68 Positive
February 10, 2023

In the cancer world, positive can be a negative. Not today! In this episode, I'll be talking about positive chatter and how to let it take over the sometimes negative thoughts and fears one may go through when facing hard times. 

#67 It's me, HI!
January 27, 2023

On this episode, my guest may sound familiar if you've listed to this podcast before! I have no other words to describe this one. LOL!!!

#66 Penguins
January 13, 2023

Happy New Year! This episode features yours truly with another top 10 list to get you going for the new year! 
